why is miss marie called the maginot linehow old was nellie oleson when she married percival
Spring arrives, and Claudia associates this event with being whipped with a switch instead of a strap. The line was built in several phases from 1930 by the Service Technique du Gnie (STG), overseen by Commission d'Organisation des Rgions Fortifies (CORF). The family of Elihue Whitcomb displays a kind of mixed-race person who lives in colonial societymore fortunate than pureblooded natives, they are still ultimately powerless, allowed to occupy only the most meaningless government positions, allowed to be educated but never to rule. [41] Donnell argued that the primary purpose of "prevent[ing] a concerted attack on France through the traditional invasion routes and to permit time for the mobilisation of troops was fulfiled", as was the French strategy of forcing the Germans to enter Belgium, which ideally would have allowed "the French to fight on favourable terrain". Read an in-depth analysis of Cholly Breedlove. Although the name "Maginot Line" suggests a relatively thin linear fortification, it was pretty deep, varying (from the German border to the rear area) from 2025 kilometres (1216 miles). PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. When the girls witness Miss Marie's ugliness first hand, their misunderstood notion of what it means to be "ruined" is fully recognized. Some of the larger ouvrages were converted to command centres. Ultimately, any tender feelings Cholly has for Pecola are transformed into a desire to consume her. These anti-tank obstacles extended from end to end in front of the main works, over hundreds of kilometres, interrupted only by extremely dense forests, rivers, or other nearly impassable terrains. After that, her marriage with Cholly deteriorates rapidly. You'll also receive an email with the link. The petits ouvrages were generally made up of several infantry bunkers, connected by a tunnel network with attached underground facilities, such as barracks, electric generators, ventilation systems, mess halls, infirmaries and supply caches. The fortifications did not extend through the Ardennes Forest (which was believed to be impenetrable by Commander-in-Chief Maurice Gamelin) or along France's border with Belgium because the two countries had signed an alliance in 1920, by which the French army would operate in Belgium if the German forces invaded. The defences were first proposed by Marshal Joseph Joffre. Why did the French build the line? She feels real affection only for her cat. The MacTeer family does not have light eyes. She slaps Pecola twice, even though the cobbler has burned her legs, demonstrating her disdain for her own child. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother . Frieda and Claudia are confused about what ruined means and worry that Frieda will become fat like the Maginot Line. On a Saturday in spring, Claudia goes inside and finds Frieda crying. The Maginot Line was a series of fortifications built by France between 1929-34 and subsequently enhanced until 1939. High-voltage Transmission Lines, initially above-ground but then buried, and connected to the civil power grid, provided electric power to the many fortifications and fortresses. She treats the girls with some kindness, telling them that Pecola is with Mrs. Breedlove at the house where Mrs. Breedlove is a servant. She then comforts the little white girl and begins to clean the black stain off of her pink dress. Dunion. [27] For economic reasons, the success of the strategy of la guerre de longue dure would at the very least require Britain to maintain a benevolent neutrality, preferably to enter the war as an ally as British sea power could protect French imports while depriving Germany of hers. During the German offensive Operation Nordwind in January 1945, Maginot Line casemates and fortifications were utilised by Allied forces, especially in the Bas-Rhin department in Grand Est, and some German units had been supplemented with flamethrower tanks in anticipation of this possibility. To be used as a basis for a counter-offensive. Her incessant cleaning suggests she feels her home has been dirtied through the violation of her daughter. Today the Maginot Line has become a metaphor for expensive efforts which offer only a false sense of security. [39][40], The historian Clayton Donnell commented, "If one believes the Maginot Line was built for the primary purpose of stopping a German invasion of France, most will consider it a massive failure and a waste of money in reality, the line was not built to be the ultimate saviour of France". on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% They find the house and see Pecola sitting on the stoop outside. They would be supplemented by reservists who lived in the local area and who could be quickly mobilised in an emergency. Complete your free account to request a guide. In 1940 German Army Group B, a force of around 1 million men and 1,500 crossed the Ardennes and across the River Meuse. [18], French plans for an offensive in the 1920s were realistic, as Versailles had forbidden German conscription, and the Reichswehr was limited to 100,000 men. He doesn't poison the dog because he's terrified of personal contact with the animal. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Rosemary Villanucci The events by the riverbed are important: note that Cholly's hatred is not directed at the white hunters, but at Darlene. for a group? It also had state-of-the-art living conditions for garrisoned troops, supplying air conditioning and eating areas for their comfort. Discount, Discount Code Safety Quarters were built near the major fortifications so fortress (ouvrage) crews could reach their battle stations in the shortest possible time in the event of a surprise attack during peacetime. Elihue's own education brings him into contact with the Western canon, but in these great works he understands only what he wishes to see. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. He cannot stand contact with people, but he hoards the little bits of junk from people's everyday lives. His desire to poison the animal stems solely from his own hatred of the beast, and his racial self-loathing prevents him from offering any sound counsel to Pecola. [25] Besides the demographic reasons, a defensive strategy served the needs of French diplomacy towards Great Britain. Because no human looks at her, she cannot conceive of her own worth and eventually loses the ability to maintain her own basic sense of identitySoaphead Church's use of Pecola for his own ends is the final step in the unraveling of her sanity. The rejection by Samson Fuller is a turning point in Cholly's life: "Abandoned in a junk heap by his mother, rejected for a crap game by his father, there was nothing more to lose." Having light eyes marks a character as different. The Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort (Ouvrage Schoenenbourg) was the largest of the Maginot Line forts, a series of forts built in the 1920s and 30s by the French government to deter invasion from Germany. [16] When the Control Commission was dissolved, the commissioners in their final report issued a blistering statement, stating that Germany had never sought to abide by Part V and the Reichswehr had been engaging in covert rearmament all through the 1920s. The color of eyes is not for looking, but for being looked at. Pecolas fourteen-year-old brother, who copeswith his familys problems by running away fromhome. Following the Munich Agreement and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, the Germans were able to use the Czech fortifications to plan attacks that proved successful against the western fortifications (the Belgian Fort Eben-Emael is the best-known example). The local prostitues, Miss Marie (also known as the Maginot Line) is fat and affectionate, China is skinny and sarcastic, and Poland is quiet. The Maginot Line tells them she works at a big white lakefront house. The French side of this border is called the Maginot Line, where the French built a tremendous fortification across from the then Westwall/Hindenburg Line. Flood Zones were natural basins or rivers that could be flooded on demand and thus constitute an additional obstacle in the event of an enemy offensive. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Breedlove. From upstairs, the little girl calls for Polly, and Pecola accidentally pulls a freshly baked berry cobbler off the counter. [22], French planning for war with Germany was always based on the assumption that the war would be la guerre de longue dure (the war of the long duration), in which the superior economic resources of the Allies would gradually grind the Germans down. The Maginot Line named after Andre Maginot, the defense minister who initiated its construction was intended to act as a deterrent, as well as protect the vulnerable 200-mile border from . Still, Cain said that the location would be challenging to light and film inside and that artificial sets could be constructed at the studios for a fraction of the cost. Free trial is available to new customers only. Mr. MacTeer chased Mr. Henry off, beating him first and then firing a gun at him. The main fortifications of the line were still mostly intact, many commanders were prepared to hold out, and the Italian advance had been contained. As a young boy, Cholly has a great friend in old Blue Jack, an older black man who works at the feed store. [26] Germany had to import most of its iron, rubber, oil, bauxite, copper and nickel, making naval blockade a devastating weapon against the German economy. 19 January 2021. Petits ouvrages: These small fortresses reinforced the line of infantry bunkers. The line wasn't Maginot's idea alone, but he helped push the ambitious, multimillion-franc project through parliament. But it was too late to reorganize the entire French military in a matter of months. Constructed on the French side of its borders with Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium, the line did not extend to the English Channel. Those feelings are gone now, and she thinks less and less about them. 16. The community knows. It may be, though, that such an accusation coming from girls she thought might be innocent only makes the accusation more painful for Miss Marie. Dont have an account? Infantry Reserve Shelters: These were found from 5001,000m (1,6003,300ft) behind the principal line of resistance. The pie that should become a pleasant memory for Pecola will only be a pleasant memory for the little white girl"Polly" exerts all her effort in trying to make the house of the white folks feel like a home. Purchasing Maginot Line. He has a gruff manner toward little Black girls. The problem was that Maginot Line, a great line of fortifications that spanned France's borders with several neighbors, was essentially a glorified trench. Sometimes it can end up there. She then tells the girls that they can wait with her until Pecola is back, offering them pop to drink while they wait. By the time Germany invaded Poland in 1939, it was clear to French military leaders that they had greatly underestimated the speed and ruthless efficiency of the German blitzkrieg. Renews March 8, 2023 Telephone Network: This system connected every fortification in the Maginot Line, including bunkers, infantry and artillery fortresses, observation posts and shelters. The girl is the daughter of the family that employs Breedlove as a servant. In the interval between world wars, several European countries built elaborate permanent fortifications. 3. Even as an adult, Mrs. Breedlove is inferior to the little white girl, as shown when the little girl calls her by the nickname "Polly." for a group? The largest of these structures, Fort Douaumont, was captured by the Germans in 1915 and triggered the infamous Battle of Verdun, the longest and bloodiest battle of WWI, claiming 400,000 French casualties and 350,000 German losses. He is fiercely protective of his daughters. Humiliated but also powerless, Cholly keeps at it until the hunters grow bored and leave. The German Army, having reformulated their plans from a repeat of the First World War-era plan, became aware of and exploited this weak point in the French defensive front. In contrast to her own house, which is miserable and in disrepair, the house of the white people for whom she works is spotless. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Two telephone wires were placed parallel to the line of fortifications, providing redundancy in case a wire gets cut. Both of the girls think that being ruined means becoming fat like Marie, and believe that Poland and China aren't fat only because they drink whiskey. The theme of love's scarcity can be seen in the treatment of Marie and the other prostitutes, whose names recall their vulnerable status. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. "Maginot and these other guys weren't dumb," says Kirchubel. He shot at Henry and Henry ran away. Made up of a series of locations spanning over 3 kilometres, the Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort was entirely self sufficient, with . Its construction created a false sense of security, which was widely believed by the French population. Maginot was another veteran of World War I; he became the French Minister of Veteran Affairs and then Minister of War (19281932). Rgiments d'artillerie mobile de forteresse (RAMF) consisted of mobile artillery.[11]. Nevertheless, Maxime Weygand signed the surrender instrument and the army was ordered out of their fortifications to be taken to POW camps. Cholly has had no one to teach him how to be a fatherAunt Jimmy is so much older that she hardly seems an adequate role model. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. On the balcony above the door, Marie (the Maginot Line) is having a drink of root-beer. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% This section is arguably the most successful part of the novel. [2] French and British officers had anticipated the geographical limits of the Maginot Line; when Germany invaded the Netherlands and Belgium, they carried out plans to form an aggressive front that cut across Belgium and connected to the Maginot Line. Her jealousy shows her inability to conceptualize the trauma incurred during such an experience. This passage foretells the sexual violence and oppression experienced by the female characters of The Bluest Eye. The passage is written with poetic tone, turning Blue Jack into something like a figure of myth, male and strong and holding up the watermelon so that it blocks out the sun. Pauline, in turn, humanizes the horse, and understands that by looking into the animal's eyes one can see that its feelings are as real as those of a human being. Please wait while we process your payment. The officers' corps by no means acknowl-edged defeat. 20% The line, which was supposed to be fully extended further towards the west to avoid such an occurrence, was finally scaled back in response to demands from Belgium. There were places along the cable where dismounted soldiers could connect to the network. The fear in the little white girl's eyes suggests she has been taught to fear black people. You'll also receive an email with the link. The Nazis knew that the heart of the Maginot Line was nearly impenetrable, so they feinted attacks along the heavily fortified border while they planned for their massive 1940 invasion of France through the Netherlands and Belgium. The girls both admire her and are jealous of her. They live above the Breedlove apartment and befriend Pecola. Instead of worrying that her own daughter has been burned by the hot berries, she pushes Pecola down into the pie juice. She is lonely and imaginative. Look like I just didn't care no more after that. The kitchen is spotless, with white porcelain and white woodwork. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Frieda is more knowledgeable about the adult world and sometimes braver than Claudia. Rosemary Villanucci came out and told Frieda that her father would go to jail, and Frieda hit her. For the girls, the beauty of the homes likewise signifies their worth and the worth of the people who live in them. Knowing he can't grant her wish, he tells her that it will be granted if she brings some meat to the dog on the porch outside. There are 142 ouvrages, 352 casemates, 78 shelters, 17 observatories and around 5,000 blockhouses in the Maginot Line.[a]. The fights become more and more violent. Pauline has few friends; other women look down at her because she is poorly dressed and speaks like a Southern black. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. When The Maginot Line asks if the girls are looking for someone, Claudia explains they are looking for Pecola. That resulted in "the media exaggerating their descriptions by turning the line into an impregnable fortified position that would seal the frontier". The World War II German invasion plan of 1940 (Sichelschnitt) was designed to deal with the line. [18] The power of properly dug-in defensive trenches had been amply demonstrated during World War I, when a few soldiers manning a single machine gun post could kill hundreds of the enemy in the open and therefore building a massive defensive line with subterranean concrete shelters was the most rational use of French manpower. You can view our. Continue to start your free trial. But after a few days of following M'Dear's prescription, Aunt Jimmy eats a peach cobbler and dies. The girls admire her light skin and social status, and they are jealous of both. The thick-walled forts and casemates of the Maginot Line withstood direct hits from German bombers as they were designed to do, but the real action happened far away from that solid line of defense. Feester: To worsen, especially due to lack of attention. Just six weeks after Hitler began his land invasion of the country, France surrendered to Germany. She finds her mother singing and behaving strangely, absentmindedly doing the same chore twice. Don't worry none.". At fifteen, she meets Cholly; they marry and move far up to the North. The Germany-facing section of the Maginot Line presented a string of obstacles, traps and artillery forts that ran 16 miles (25 kilometers) deep in places. Claudias father, who works hard to keep the familyfed and clothed. Cloches are non-retractable turrets. She is affectionate but physically in decay. One of Cholly's happiest memories is of Blue Jack smashing a watermelon and sharing the heart with him. LitCharts Teacher Editions. This chain of faulty reasoning leads to their decision to procure whiskey for Frieda. The Maginot Line was impervious to most forms of attack. creating and saving your own notes as you read. Want 100 or more? This was impossible elsewhere as the other parts of the line were located in civilian areas.[10]. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. World War I absolutely devastated France. [35] The idea was shelved. The protagonist of the novel, an eleven-year-old Black girl who believes that she is ugly and that having blue eyes would make her beautiful. [17] Versailles did not call for military sanctions in the event of the German military reoccupying the Rhineland or breaking Part V, while Locarno committed Britain and Italy to come to French aid in the event of a "flagrant violation" of the Rhineland's demilitarised status, it did not define what a "flagrant violation" would be. [47][48] More seriously, historians have noted rather than the Germans doing what the French had envisioned, the French played into the Germans' hand, culminating in their defeat. When the British Expeditionary Force landed in France in September 1939, they and the French reinforced and extended the Maginot line to the sea in a flurry of construction from 1939 to 1940, accompanied by general improvements all along the line. Subscribe now. Still, the last French troops left the Rhineland in June 1930 in exchange for Germany accepting the Young Plan. Of the roughly 8.5 million French soldiers mobilized in 1914 to fight Germany and the other Central Powers, more than 6 million became casualties, either killed, wounded or declared missing during four years of grueling trench warfare. 11. The fire control stations would give orders to the hundreds of anti-tank and heavy artillery positions that could pop out of the ground and fire from armored turrets. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Furious, Mrs. Breedlove sends the girls away and comforts the little white girl, who has begun to cry. Not according to Robert Kirchubel, a military historian with the FORCES Initiative at Purdue University. The white neighborhood in which Mrs. Breedlove works is beautiful and well kept, demonstrating the connection between race and class. The prejudice and treatment that Pecola receives because of her skin color is called "colorism," a sister type of discrimination that has only recently been studied and researched. Friedas experience is frightening and confusing, but she is quickly defended by her protective parents, and Henry is a foolish rather than a threatening figure. [23] Germany had the largest economy in Europe but lacked many of the raw materials necessary for a modern industrial economy (making the Reich vulnerable to a blockade) and the ability to feed its population. Curiously, Cholly's hatred is directed at Darlene. A military historian with the link until 1939, you MUST CANCEL BEFORE the END of the who! `` Maginot and These other guys were n't dumb, '' says Kirchubel through violation... And throws her root-beer bottle at them ambitious, multimillion-franc project through parliament could be quickly mobilised in an.. 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