rockdoc jeff younghow old was nellie oleson when she married percival
One of his patients, Helena Louvaris, told me that Young saved her life by putting her on a diet plan. Young cries at his sons fifth-grade graduation, then explains that hes so emotional because his nurses are having their periods. It fit neatly, at least, into a story I was already really familiar with: It was the greedy provider who was allegedly taking advantage of his patients. Lax regulations played a role. Im like, Im as outspoken as he is. One former employee told me its not clear whether Young was exchanging prescriptions for sex or just giving his many girlfriends the medications they asked for. Young got married, then quickly got divorced, according to several people who knew him then. Look at me! There is a friendliness, too, that one associates with the South. One January morning, officers swarmed the road outside the PreventaGenix building, guns drawn. Additional music by Nelson Bandela (04 HIDDEN FORCES and Auddi Sun 01 131). For the occasion of his detention hearing, Young wore a cerulean suit and a comb-over. Apparently she felt strongly enough about it that he wouldnt leave her alone if she went to see him. Naylor: My husband hadnt been to a doctor in years. Jeff wanted what was best for his patient. To deal with the latter, the city, like so many others in America, has become ever more reliant on opioids. The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Dont worry, my tattoos dont like you either, one image reads. Though Young claimed that he also fired drug-seeking patients, Gutgsell testified in a deposition that he would meet some patients after hours and write them prescriptions anyway. (There were different Jeff Youngs in [the Records Management System] and I had very little information so he was not added to the report, the police report states.) This is The Experiment, a show about our unfinished country. In an attempt to understand how Young got away with so much for so long, Ive spent more than a year tracking his story, reading court documents, and examining his extensive digital footprint. She would get phone calls at her house, answer, and hear only strange whispers, she said in a court hearing. (Young has denied that hed had sex with the patient who appeared to be drugged.). Music by Parish Council (Dabbles), water feature (ariel), Arabian Prince in a UK World (The Feeling of Being on a Diet), Keyboard (Being There and My Atelier), and Column (The Art of Fun (Raj) and Sensuela), provided by Tasty Morsels. They painted a picture of the kind of medical office where you might actually want to hang out. Heres what I can tell you about the JY2, all right? Yet he still attracted patients at GeneXis prior to his detention hearing in May 2019. Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. Several others dismissed the notion that Young could be sexually coercive. I mean, you wouldve thought they were giving away meds for free, to be honest. Who cares? All throughout the past few months, Youngs fans have papered his Facebook wall with loving messages. It moved so slowly in punishing drug-addicted nurses that some were able to get new jobs and steal narcotics while under investigation, an eastern Tennessee news station, WJHL, found in 2016. Naylor: And I remember him saying, Bring him to the office. He helped her a lot with her pain. I dont like him asking out my daughter But even then, I still went to him, and my ex-husband still went to him. The music plays on.). This requirement is waived, however, in cases where public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.). His indictment implicated him and two of his former supervising physicians, Alexander Alperovich and Andrew Rudin, and alleged that Youngs motives in prescribing controlled substances to his patients were often to obtain money, notoriety, and sexual favors. Alperovich and Rudin, the indictment claims, accepted money derived from the proceeds of the conspiracy in exchange for their purported supervision. (Both have pleaded not guilty. Khazan: Does that change how you feel about him? Automated News Feed Subreddit No Censorship, Just News. Jeffrey Young was one of those people. Some speculated that it could have been drugs, alcohol, the prospect of fame, a divorce from his second wife the year after PreventaGenix launched, or a combination of all of them. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. I mean, if somebody pats you on the back, that aint coming on to you. Jackson, Tennessee. It really meant a lot to me. Tennessees nursing board, the main agency that has power over nurse practitioners in the state, launched its investigation into Young within a year of PreventaGenix opening. Long after the criminal charges against him became known, many of Youngs patients and friends came to his defenseincluding some whom he had seemingly wronged. The biggest blow came in 2019, when Jeff was indicted by the federal government for overprescribing opioids, often in order to get, quote, money, notoriety, and sexual favors., In a court hearing, investigators described several Facebook messages between Jeff and his patients, identified only by their initials. During one club night, Young bought Stephanie two drinks and his friends handed them to her. Branding himself as the "Rock Doc," he flooded his social media accounts with images of a party-loving lifestyle, vitriol for his "haters" and even a pilot episode for a reality TV show . Tanya Ballard: I think people are Just didnt like Jeff. Everybody pay fucking attention worldwide because Im about to save this motherfuckers lifelive on Periscope broadcast! Have you ever been to a doctor and you just didnt feel comfortable? The next morning, the office manager, Kristie Gutgsell, would clean up after them. Country music lyrics, guitar tabs/tablatures, chords source #1. The sharpteeth charge through and run into the rock spire and fall down. The judge denied this request, in part because, he wrote, Young has chosen to not wear a mask or practice social distancing consistently in jail., In September, Gutgsell, Youngs former office manager, pleaded guilty to federal charges for her involvement in prescribing opioids without a legitimate medical purpose.*. But it played [Emphasizing.] The resulting videos are typical scenes from a medical practicepeople donning gloves, waiting in chairsspliced together over a heavy-metal soundtrack. Yes. Hey! Most of these doctors werent like Jeff. Its a small town; people talk. Im too good for you because I got this money, or whatever. Young: So, the, uh, the sinister ministerthat would be me (Fades under again.). Young grabs them and takes a big whiff. In 2012, Young was working at a cardiology practice in Jackson when, with a consultant named Rich Reitz and cardiologist named Dharmesh Patel, he set up a side business giving talks to doctors about treating heart attacks and strokes. Additional audio from Purdue Pharma, The Rock Doc TV Show, @JY2RocDoc, and Bat Pig Pictures. Jeffrey Youngs patients say he helped them like nobody else could, but prosecutors indicted him following a huge painkiller bust. One employee recalled him sometimes being too drunk to see patients. [Laughs lightly.] This social-media stardom appears to have helped inoculate him against concerns that his loose approach to medicine could harm anyone. Some female patients opted for a service the clinic offered that Young called VIP status, in which they paid $500 a year to skip the waiting room and get Youngs cellphone number, one former employee said. In recent years, the Justice Department has started coming for unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists, too. The cameraman who shot the pilot, who requested anonymity because he doesnt want to be associated with Youngs case, heard about Young through a mutual friend and visited him several times to shoot footage for what he hoped could become a reality show. As so often happens with irresponsible medical providers, Youngs popularity in the communityalong with an indifferent, slow-moving bureaucracyallowed him to operate for half a decade despite initial warning signs and then multiple arrests and investigations. Angele Latham. According to police reports and court records, his second ex-wife, Dawn, claimed that throughout their relationship Young repeatedly pushed, threatened, and attempted to rape her. ET on January 28, 2021. He pleaded not guilty to the . (Soft percussive synthesizer music plays.). It was a story her daughter told her about a time she got sick. In 2014, Jeff started seeing a patient with the initials M.Y. Its hard to hear or believe that the only provider whod ever been kind to youwho made you comfortablehad been accused of abusing other patients. Many people in Jackson seemed to see themselves in Young. Naylor: Yes, he does. As Young collected more tattoos and befriended more local bands, he began to attract a certain clientele. Together, they are the parents of three children and have seven grandchildren. Sometimes he wore scrubs, but most of the time he had on jeans, scrub tops, and a rock T-shirt, and a doctors jacket. The self-proclaimed "Rock Doc" is accused of trading powerful . You may not like me. Naylor: They just immediately hit it off. About four years after its investigation began, the nursing board finally held a hearing to consider his fate. Branding himself the Rock Doc in a self-produced reality-TV pilot, Young would wear band T-shirts and blast music as he met with patients; he sometimes broadcast appointments and medical procedures on the live-streaming app Periscope. A former employee said that staffers had to go to Youngs houseanother McMansionto drag him out of bed, and that he would occasionally arrive at the clinic drunk. So, uh, here we are, sitting by the pool. Like many actual rock stars, he flamed out on his own extravagant lifestyle. He made them feel comfortable in a way that no other doctor did. the rock doc' jeff young. At the same time, building himself up as a renegade nurse practitioner seems to have allowed Young to sweep his faults under the rug of unconventionality. Theres actually a diagnosis called white-coat hypertension. Its when your blood pressure spikes in a doctors office because the whole experience is nerve-racking. Young was a people pleaser, as one former employee described him. Rock Doc TV. The man says if he were ever shot, he would go to Young before going to the hospital. I need you to find this fucker, he wrote, according to court testimony later reported by The Jackson Sun. I mean, I worked at a bank for 15 years, and when youve worked at a bank and youve cashed checks, you have to judge people in two seconds. And the consequences might have gone beyond sexual abuse and addiction. Another said, I was thinking of you today and how much you have helped me.. Purdue Pharma ad voice-over: Once youve found the right doctor and have told him or her about your pain, dont be afraid to take what they give you. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. Employees I spoke with said he eventually was seeing 50 to 85 patients a day, compared with about 20 for the average doctor, and most of them seemed to be on opioids. ), Jeff Young: Are we live? Khazan: Jeff had been good to Tanya in the clinic, which was an experience that she didnt usually have with doctors. The men each contributed $40,000 to the endeavor. As the nursing boards investigation of Young inched along, another agency launched its own probe into the Rock Doc. I am a, uh, nurse practitioner. He refilled MYs prescriptions for Percocet and Valium, and also prescribed him hydrocodone. Other doctors dont post pictures of themselves with motorcycles and scantily clad women, either. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for money, notoriety, and sexual favors.. (Fades under.). The clinic sat on a quiet road crammed with other medical practicesa sleep doctor, a dentist, a nephrologist, an orthodontisteach in its own brick McMansion. Right? The resulting addictions were blamed on reckless patients, rather than the fundamental chemistry of the opioids themselves. It wasnt like any medical office Id ever been to. (A shudder, a gasp, then clapping and bubbling evolve into a background track.). On Instagram, photos tagged #preventagenix show Young on a motorcycle, surrounded by women. But, in theory, there should have been a check on all this. You may not like my sexy-ass beard. Sometimes patients seeking opioids go to different providers until they find one who is willing to prescribe to them. He invited a cameraman to document his life and eventually had it edited into a pilot for a reality-TV show. When one video was apparently manipulated by one of his detractors and posted online, Young threatened whoever might have done it. Longoria: And one of those worst of the worst providers stood out from the others. They are often too under-resourced and understaffed to keep a watchful eye on all medical providers. The story of how that doctor-patient communication broke downhundreds of thousands of timesis what Olga wanted to understand. She wasnt the only patient to stick by him. There was no statement even made to the Feds. Through his attorney, he declined to comment on this and the other allegations in this story because of a gag order issued by the judge in the case.). (Fades under.). Khazan: Her husband had severe dehydration and was suffering from a heat stroke. Were small enough where we still talk, Jerry Gist, who was the mayor at the time, told me. They didnt drop F-bombs or smell womens underwear online. Naylor: (A sharp inhale.) He didnt mind saying a curse word or two.. Thrash metal, heavy metal, speed metal, blues, classical. Five other medical providers, just in Jackson, were indicted too. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. Whether or not Young is convicted, the perverse incentives for doctors to see patients for short visits and to prescribe too many unnecessary drugs will remain. In August 2015, Young prescribed MY what the letter calls a dangerous combination of an opioid, a benzodiazepine, and a muscle relaxant. (Endo denied the allegations.) Listen to the trailer for. Jacksons cheeriness, though, is at odds with the populations somewhat grim physical health. Kevin: Jeff and I are full of antics. Young began arriving at the clinic smelling rancid, with greasy hair, and the clinics money problems mounted. Khazan: Online, Jeff would get drunk and smoke cigars. If PreventaGenix staffers suspected that a patient was abusing drugs, they would sometimes try to fire the patient, by telling him or her not to return to the clinic. Hows it going? Khazan: So Ive written a million stories about this. They entered the office and ordered the clinics staffers to lie on the floor. Calles: You could just tell by the demeanor that that was there. Part of the judges reasoning was that Youngs Facebook posts showed a propensity for violence., Young continued blogging from jail, somehow managing to write a few posts for a website that promotes medical providers rights to prescribe opioids freely. Jeff immediately sees that he is inyou know, hes in pretty bad shape. Similarly, Young appeared to get the benefit of the doubt from virtually everyone. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. He graduated from Union University, an evangelical Christian school, in 1995, then earned a degree from the University of Tennessee College of Nursing in 2003. The Daily Beast Automated News Feed No Censorship, Just News. Ballard: I dont believe Jeff overprescribed medication. On April 17, 2019, officials swept through Appalachia, charging 53 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Hes so cute thats my brother and my best friend, Young says, giving Phillips a gentle kiss. Young became known for putting drugs into the hands of almost anyone who asked. Naylor: Thats a really hard question for me to answer, because I believeour whole family believesthat he saved my husbands life. He may have that, but hes not Hes down to earth. Calles: I just wasnt getting the care I needed. Its often called the invisible illness, because, even though the pain is very real for the person experiencing it, some doctors dont take it seriously. Patients, meanwhile, dont always know that medical boards exist in the first place, or that they can complain to them if theyve been wronged, Lisa Robin, the chief advocacy officer for the Federation of State Medical Boards, says. Be part of The Experiment. Aggressive marketing is one piece of it. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. Nurses are consistently rated higher in honesty and ethics than all other professions that Gallup asks about, by a wide margin, the polling firm said in a January 2020 survey. And if you want to help other people discover the show, share it online with the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. They just, like, keep their distance from you. You may not like what I stand for. Christi Calles: His doctors office was just rocked out. MY died on August 25, 2015, from an apparent drug overdose. I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. You may not like my rock and roll. In 2013, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that is usually accompanied by widespread pain and fatigue. Sometimes the two men would fight, and broken glass would litter the floor. In 2014, Young began seeing a patient identified as MY in a letter from Tennessees department of healtha letter that would ultimately lead to a nursing-board hearing for Young. Like, all these doctors who are really out of line and just writing so many scripts for so many addictive drugs, theyre really not being careful at all. The half-dozen former patients who did agree to talk with me were mostly people who wanted to defend Jeff. Hes a great doctor and never has he acted any way towards me but professional! one woman wrote. (The case did not result in a conviction.) The grosser side. FNP Jeff Young Jr. shares his life with his fans and promotes a healthy and fun lifestyle to make you "young" at heart! So hes a little out there. Rather than call for help, Young walked away and left me on the ground, she told me. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers And Im like, Oh. [A beat.] Rumors started to spread in town that strange things were going on in Jeffs office. Jeff gets his nick name "Rock Doc" from his loyal patients. The department suggested that he surrender his license in order to resolve the matter quickly, but according to a report from The Tennessean and The Jackson Sun, a defiant Young rejected that offer. Case 18-11780-BLS Doc 45 Filed 08/02/18 Page 1 of 1041. It was just rocked out. Young: That was what Im going to say. A woman I spoke with who has worked for seven doctors offices in the area estimates that about three-quarters of medical visits there result in an opioid prescription. Though criminal cases against doctors and nurse practitioners like Young are still relatively rare, they are growing more common. Rachel Fullington, an early employee of Youngs, told me Young wanted the clinics atmosphere to be loose and fun, while the others wanted it to be more buttoned-up. Unnamed guest: I cant believe he stabbed himself (Fades under.). But that did not put a stop to Youngs ambitions. (The two clap each others backs in a half-hug.). He tried to ignore it, but when he woke up the next morning, LeAnn noticed he still looked really bad. Youngs case provides a rare glimpse into the ways patients wind up addicted to the powerful painkillers fueling the national opioid epidemic. I swear he didnt look at my leg for 30 seconds, and he told me exactly what it was, he says. Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. I dont I dont even know what to say. Khazan: When I first started talking to Jeffs former patients, I thought I understood this story. One former patient who had a falling-out with Young told me he or someone associated with him attacked her on the internet forum Topix, calling her a whore and a drunk. She said her home address and photos of her adult daughters were posted on the site, along with rape threats directed at her daughters. Khazan: And sometimes theyd even ask their followers and fans to back them up. (The synthesizer takes over the harmony, traipsing up and down the melody line before it quiets and the episode ends.). At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. I just asked him. Not that theyre not cheating on their wives. Khazan: Jeff and his friend Kevin would often head to Periscope to defend themselves. Youngs story raises the question of where care crosses into harm. Health care is one of the Jackson areas most important industries, and West Tennessee Healthcare, which once employed Young, is the largest employer in the county. Young had also allegedly begun siphoning off $100 almost every day from the clinic for his personal expenses, according to former employees. His friend Melanie Lupino, a local bartender, said he got girlfriends easily, so she was baffled by the notion that he would have to give people drugs to get sex. The whole thing was Very Online. Purdue voice-over: Often, it will be an opioid medication. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? She said, He latches on to young single mothers, and he rushes in and wants toquote-unquotesave them.. You can all suck my d***. She told me that while she was a patient at the clinic, she had a front-row seat to Preventagenix getting more and more popular. The next year, Jeff prescribed M.Y. Every time. As the court spent two days scrutinizing his years of alleged misdeeds, he sat mostly silently. But the board has a history of letting suspicious providers go on practicing for years. [Khazan laughs.] (Dawn did not press charges at the time, and she declined to speak with me for this story.). You can all suck my dick! he yells at the camera in one Periscope video, a stethoscope around his neck and a cigar in his hand. Khazan: And Christi also told me a very similar thing as the other patients I talked to: Shes had terrible experiences with other doctors. Rock Doc & quot ; from his loyal patients 30 seconds, and offered for. A great doctor and you just didnt feel comfortable in a court hearing started talking to former! For Percocet and Valium, rockdoc jeff young offered discounts for people who knew then! Background track. ) spire and fall down next morning, the spire. Flamed out on his own extravagant lifestyle tattoos and befriended more local bands, he began to attract certain! 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