pterodactyl sightings in californiahow old was nellie oleson when she married percival
My principal Youtube channel for videos about modern living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life. Living on the West Coast, he had opportunity to investigate . . . The visibility was clear. . from the west came this dark object in the sky. I live in central [New Mexico]. . No wing flaps For sighting #1, in the words of an eyewitness, \"It turned its head and looked right at me\".From Jonathan Whitcomb, executive director for 'Animal Discovery': \"I highly recommend the following Youtube playlist, especially if you are new to this channel\": \"Live Pterodactyl - Ropen Global uploads\"\u0026list=PLbrGHtcHOcPxEMnQuhURGFL_7EugMDKZVTry watching the following additional mini-documentaries on this channel: \"Flying Dinosaurs in Kansas - Pterodactyl Sightings\" = 2:26)Sightings of modern pterosaurs in KansasDescription:According to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, many persons have seen an apparent living pterosaur in Kansas, yet only a small minority of those eyewitnesses have contacted him. \"Modern Dragon - Pterodactyls Almost Everywhere\" = 3:06)A brief introduction to pterodactyl sightings worldwideDescription:The long-tailed nocturnal ropen is found worldwide, and some eyewitnesses call it a dragon. Lake Isabella in California pterodactyl or ropen sighting near here. She has recently agreed to come out of anonymity, and she has revealed details about the third and fourth sightings, with the last one somewhat uncertain. This scientific paper, peer-reviewed in a journal of science years ago, is briefly featured in this video . . Location of sighting: Lansing, Illinois. On the drawing of the winged creature if you will notice there is some yellow color addedthis also represents the area of the creature that looked to me like the most illuminated aspects/parts of the thing combined with the afore mentioned grayish/brown coloring., Other Night Sightings of Possible Pterosaurs in Western USA. We now consider the third sighting (perhaps not yet covered anywhere else). as it got close to the other one they both went east., From a California Newspaper Article in 1891. he saw something like a Pteranodon, with bat-like wings but a wingspan of about 8-10 feet and a head that he estimated was four feet long.. News releases on pterodactyls Los Angeles River near the Colorado Street Bridge, east of Griffith Park, Pterosaur Sightings East of Griffith Park, May 13, 2013, Sighting of a Pterosaur In fact, some scientists have witnessed a live pterodactyl with their own eyes. My sighting took place last night, 12/19/2016. The popular, textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions, of years ago, universal pterosaur extinctionthat concept, itself is approaching extinction. Jonathan Whitcomb. Facts Analysis: . . Playing Badminton Alone With the Wind, Video: Fact DMart 20th Anniversary Celebration Free Gifts: Scam. I just want to report a sighting of a pterodactyl-looking animal. Cryptozoologists who specialize in investigating eyewitness reports of pterodactys, generally refer to all modern long-tailed pterosaurs with the name ropen.. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. Available on and elsewhere, Pterosaurs in Southwest Pacific (live, not extinct), dragon, a term used anciently but also in modern times, flying dinosaur, more common in recent generations, pterodactyl, used from the 19th century to the present, dinosaur bird, maybe more common in recent decades, ropen, more common after two expeditions in 2004, prehistoric bird, maybe more common in recent decades, Simple to read yet stimulating for middle-grade children and teens, Explains the benefits of believing someone who has seen something, Gives interesting comparisons between accounts, allowing the reader to come to his or her own conclusion about each report, Explains the three major interpretations available for a sighting report, allowing the reader to choose one of them for each reported account, Gives the young reader many photos, sketches, and other images, making the book easier to dig into and understand, $7.80 on Amazon (at least on Nov 16, 2018), a flying creature the size of a horse in the Castaic area, in the 1880s, flying creature: wingspan estimated at 25 feet, in Southern California, in 2004, a huge pterodactyl-like animal inSanta Fe Springs, in 2005, large glowing creature flying over San Fernando Valley, in 2009, two giant flying creatures over San Diego, late in 2011. Perhapsmost pterosaur-like flying creatures in California are of the same species: Most eyewitnesses of apparent pterosaur report a long tail (when they report anything about atail or lack thereof), and California sightings are no exception. Washington I received an email from man who reported a pair of ropen-like creatures in the state of Washington. a dragon or flying dinosaur. Amateur footage appears to capture extinct reptile flying over Ohio. The apparent pterosaur was flying about 1700 feet from the end of a storm channel, a few years ago, just south of the Long Beach Airport. . . My dog Ember was with me. Living pterosaurs or misidentified birds? . The total number of clear sightings of modern pterosaurs, during the 20th century, appears to be at least in the hundreds of thousands . . . flying straight at me, opposite the flow of traffic, along . their peculiar cries and the rustling of their mammoth wings were heard as late as 10 oclock. Two nights later, the monsters were held responsible for attacking chickens, with many of the hens being bitten in two and left partly devoured. On the following week, a carriage of picnickers saw the creatures plainly circling in the air.. With my interpreter Luke Paina, I led the first expedition on that remote tropical island in Papua New Guinea. Anyway, Im driving behind a man who is driving a mini-van . The landscape photograph on the cover shows the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine, California, near where a pterosaur (ropen) was reported flying in 2007 Patty Carson saw the strange flying creature at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba around 1965 and sketched it more recently. I watched him fly across to a large tree . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *NEWS: On February 2, 2022, the cryptozoology author and producer Jonathan Whitcomb recommended the following videos and said, \"Please watch at least two of them\".Pterosaur Sightings in 2020 Tries Attacking Desert Flying Creature in Los Angeles? [near Maryland-Virginia border], Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition, by Whitcomb. This occurred near a swamp in Rhodesia where the man suffered a large wound in his chest that he said was caused by the monster's long beak. Whitcomb (2014) relates additional sightings of supposed pterosaurs in other countries, including England, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, and Canada. Some of the publications listed are these: On the verge of the most astonishing discovery in the history of biology . Sometimes an eyewitness will remain quiet about seeing a live "pterodactyl" until he or she learns that a friend or member of the family has also seen such a flying creature. Glowing Creature Flying Over San Fernando Valley, It was a very large, winged creature that was gliding maybe 100 yards above us. I drew level to the place they crossed . Jonathan David Whitcomb, a forensic videographer, interviewed Hodgkinson, in 2004, and found his testimony credible [the sighting itself was in New Guinea in 1944]. Most paleontologists will tell you that the Pterosaur (including the Pterodactylus and pteranodon. These are dragons who lived in the carboniferous age, but who forgot to get petrified . There was traffic and we were all going about 30 mph. Car Accidents Related to Pterosaur Sightings. I feel blessed that God has allowed me to see this creature that should not be here, and yet is, this strange dragon-like thing that lives somewhere in the woods in this redneck little town., Dragon Pterodactyl Living in California. A few skeptics have declared that no bird watchers have ever seen a modern pterosaur. Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina The four reports from S.C.: Bishopville, 1984: wingspan about 10-14 feet; no feathers; standing in the middle of a country road, it appeared to be at least 10 feet tall. I know he was afraid of what he saw, just like I was. Another fascinating tale of a pterosaur literally coming out of stone dates back to 1856 in France. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs, and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington D.C.) of the United States. There have been a number of alleged pterosaur sightings around the world. Home; Products. California Sightings. 1959), British cryptozoologist and founder of the Centre for Fortean Zoology [39] Rick Dyer, American businessman and Bigfoot hoaxer [12] [40] John H. Duffy (b. The final publication may differ, at least in a few details. This has brief book reviews: comparing two cryptozoology books about these astonishing featherless flying creatures. I was fishing on the western side near the South fork. Alone in the car, driving northbound Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020. . I also assumed that the few reports that I had readapparent pterosaurs in some of the 48 Stateswere of a few stragglers from Central America. . Pterodactyl with a Pee Well-Known Member. That didnt strike me as right so I asked her if she was sure and she said they werent lights exactly, but that the wings had a glow or reflection. Yet these featherless flying creatures have been encountered in other areas of the United States, including California. the place whereI was parked was the far back entry of a very small airport (and yes,I am very sure it was no planeI saw). two dragons. Pterodactyl Sighting in Illinois Watch on The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as "An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti." For the following witnesses to living cryptids, there is no dispute. . This book shows courage to continue the search. I know of three cases in which a person has seen a frigatebird [a large bird of tropical areas], or a photo or video of that kind of oceanic bird, and thought it was a living pterosaur (or at least he put forward the idea that it was a non-extinct pterosaur). The flying light seen one night in 2004, in Papua New Guinea, by a New Hampshire businessman, was a living pterosaur, according to the newly published book Searching for Ropens.. . My dog Ember was with me. . Video appears to show a bird-like creature with a very large wingspan Eyewitness was almost positive it was not a bird When shown illustrations of pterosaurs, Melland reported, the natives identified them as most resembling kongamoto. Ropen Sighting Near University of California at Irvine In the summer of 2007, a man was driving northwest on Campus Road, from the direction of the state university in Irvine, when he saw a gigantic flying creature pass in front of his car, at low elevation. two dragons [described]for the newspaper: broad heads, long bills, and large eyes. A: I did see its head crest [yes] Eyewitnesses from around the world testify of the featherless flying creatures that they have observed, unlike any bat and obviously not any bird. . The estimated number of sightings suggests that ancient legends of dragons, seen around the world, may not have been based entirely on fictional accounts. I was driving a car alone, on my way to pick up my sister. flying dinosaurs, in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Conover, Wilmington, Guilford County, Kernersville, and Charlottethese are not rumors but taken from emails to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over a period of years. The extinct species pterosaurs lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America. Contemporary pterosaur sightings A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington D.C.) of the United States. This morning at about 6 a.m. Buy your own copy of this living-pterosaur book on Amazon or from some other online book seller, or buy one or more to give as gifts for Christmas or for birthdays. In both cases, the "dragon" (or "pterodactyl") was near a storm channel. Age: 68. Music video: living pterosaurs in California. In general, a fossil expert will fight against the possibility of a modern pterosaur until an eventual admission emerges: [admitting] there is a small chance that a species may have survived into the present. . This video answers that question . . In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . . . . Only two feet awaythats how close the creature was (horizontally)to the concrete wall of the channel. . pterodactyls. Credibility verified by Whitcomb, but limited. . [deleted] 2 yr. ago. Why a pterodactyl sighting should be reported, The Van Meter Visitor and the Gun Shots. Rather than delve into speculations about fossils, lets now consider eyewitness testimonies. . . . it was a really clear night cuzz it had rained the day before. No feathers,and the wings were pointed and never flapped. . COLUMN: UFO sighting stats show a focus on Baker County. Sighting in California, S.F. Take it in context: forty-one reported encounters in California. [The creature flew] "at low altitude," in front of his car, over the road (Campus Drive), into the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. Slack and his buddy searched the sky for the Andromeda Nebula. Giant Pterodactyl in California Protect Animal Life 1.67K subscribers Join Subscribe 14K views 3 years ago #shorts Why do people in California report seeing a huge pterodactyl? . Special effects or the return of a Pterosaur? Of the 41 sightings reported in California, 7 are featured in the new Youtube video "Giant Pterodactyl in California." Most of the encounters in the video were in Southern California. many similarities exist with these flying creatures that are seen by eyewitnesses across many areas of the planet. It flew about 20 feet high, towards a cluster of trees near the wetlands of the wildlife sanctuary or refuge. As far as the tail goes, I did not see a tail but my son said he did as the creature whipped it aroundhe said it had sharp projections on the tipbut it was moving so fast he said he just got a glimpse of it . These nonfiction books are Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition) and Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition). Website reports extensive research on the apparent Pterosaur photograph. It was around October of 2008, just weeks after the two better-known sightings near Winder. The report that two strange dragons with wings have recently appeared in the swamps east of Selma was at first regarded by many as a sen- sational story without foundation in fact, but after different persons at different places had claimed to have seen the strange creatures it began to be thought worth investigating. Ten years ago this summer (2007), the young cryptozoologist Scott T. Norman had a sighting of an apparent Pteranodon in Central California. . It was in upstate New York and no one believes me. [Comment made, around February of 2017, on an online post: Dinosaur Sightings: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive Today in Africa?], Other Pterodactyl Encounters While Driving. 1968), American science educator, environmental scientist, and cryptozoology skeptic. Although its not covered in this video, one thing Ive learned about living pterosaurs is that sightings are not nearly as rare as people would suppose. The creature, which was dark gray or black, had no feathers; he was sure it was featherless. In the United States, we have been taught since early childhood that all such creatures became extinct many millions of years ago. She said she saw a large flying animal over a small lake. It could be when they're driving or riding as a passenger in a car. There have been many modern-day sightings of creatures that by eyewitness description sound like pterosaurs, or pterodactyl sightings. I suggest that at least some eyewitnesses were telling the truth, regardless of the opinions of the news reporters of that time, and that at least some eyewitnesses may have seen a living pterosaur. The answer comes after many years of work in cryptozoology and after interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses in California and with hundreds across the United States. Many Youtubers make similar recordings of themselves, although not usually while theyre sitting on a couch. . The following is overly simplistic, I know, but consider this: With about 300 million persons in the United States, if my sisters experience is typical then more than 300,000 persons in the USA, at least once in each of their lives, must have had a good sighting of a living pterosaur. I am a scientist, and I have discovered that the great majority of eyewitness sighting reports of extant pterosaurs are neither misidentifications nor hoaxes . This forum discussion began in March of 2013 (The Gear Pagestill online early in June of 2018), when the great majority of Americans had little or no comprehension of any reports of pterosaur sightings in North America. . The primary foundation for belief in scriptures, and belief in the literal ark of Noah, is in faith. . Tim Dinsdale (1924-1987), Loch Ness Monster researcher [6] Jonathan Downes (b. Or why do they assume that if a few bird watchers saw a living pterodactyl then the whole western world would suddenly believe in those large featherless flying creatures? I was [shocked] by the head crest and the wings. ], Books for LDS readers (living pterosaurs). By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. cryptids of the Vatican. . . 5. . Flying Dinosaur book for a ten-year-old reader. . Not a reissue or rerelease . it looked like a huge bird, it was gliding in the air . Looking ahead and up a hill,I saw a flock of crows cross the road, from right to left, followed byyep, you guessed it. A women who had lived for sixty years at the lake was fishing beside me. In the late 1980s, noted cryptozoologist Roy Mackal led an expedition into Namibia from which he had heard reports of a prehistoric-looking creature with a wingspan of up to 30 feet. In 1925, a native man was allegedly attacked by a creature that he identified as a pterosaur. . Jonathan Whitcomb introduces excerpts from a number of Youtube videos about modern pterosaur sightings. Both eyewitnesses are young adult females, and both passed a brief credibility check; misidentifications also appear unlikely. . This image is actually not a photo from the American Civil War, but it does appear to be a valid photograph of a modern pterosaur. They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states, By living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb. This post briefly mentions the book The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur, but this is mainly about sightings of apparent pterosaurs, seen by children, in the following countries: The above locations for sightings are not in the book itself but are in the above-linked blog post. Fifteen miles of her commute is on a two-lane 55-mph road through woods alternating with pastures; This part of Highway 82 has few houses . ), a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era, has been extinct for over 60 million years; however, several recent sightings may suggest these large "flying" reptiles are still alive. Principal focus of this study is the nocturnal flight dynamics, vision (electro-optical systems analysis) and the general physical characterization of the animal in flight, level and at angle-of-attack. "Trust one eyewitness of a plane crash over the imaginations of a hundred professors who've agreed how that kind of plane should fly. . . Workmen were digging through Jurassic-era limestone for a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines. . A lady reported observing a huge dragon pteradactal that had been perched, at about noon on June 19, 2012, on a phone line or cable company wire over her backyard. Here are some more modern accounts: While other reports of pterosaur-like creatures have come out of Arizona, Mexico and Crete, it is out of central Africa that some of the most interesting anecdotes have come. Someone else had to see. In addition, the flying creature was only seven or eight feet off the ground. Over the years, many people questioned the authenticity of both the photograph and the creature (Pteranodon). The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but its not technically about dinosaurs: Its a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. . . But the details in the descriptions, not the labels chosen by eyewitnesses, determine how likely it is that a person has observed a live pterosaur. The third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, published in November, 2011, supports literal interpretations of the Bible regarding the Flood of Genesis; this nonfiction cryptozoology book, however, does not preach religion: It reveals the efforts of creationist cryptozoologists who have searched for living pterosaurs and interviewed eyewitnesses. Yes, it is true: We really do have at least a few species of modern pterosaurs still flying overhead. 41 reported sightings of living pterosaurs in California. We did have three sightings of a flying light. my girlfriend has 20-20 vision and she told a few minutes later that it had lights on it. Original Civil War Pterosaur Photograph. All of a sudden I see the HUGE bird looking thing fly across the overpass I was on, maybe 20-25 feet in front of my car . The eyewitness said, As to there being any lights or luminescencethe grayish colored areas of my sketches was a dull grayish brown (Brackish) color that could easily be seen with the naked eye against the night sky. By the reckoning of one source, the area around Baker City is something of a focal point for UFO sightings. Lets consider what the eyewitnesses say,in their ownwords. it turned around and it stood still in the air, it was flapping its wings while it was there. Altadena, California (north of Pasadena) - about 1968 The "pterodactyl" was as long as a bus, as it flew up into the mountains above Altadena. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. . This is more obvious in some of the many reports from Southern California, not that a flying creature always needs to be directly over such a structure on the ground, in order to use it for navigation. The apparent pterosaur was flying about 1700 feet from the end of a storm channel, a few years ago, just south of the Long Beach Airport. . pterodactyls. Apparent relationship to a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur, By the living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb. Pteranodon is a genus of pterosaurs (not dinosaurs) including some of the largest known flying reptiles with wingspans over 6 meters (20 ft). 3 different sighting reports involving huge Thunderbird and Pterodactyl / Pterosaur creatures in Colorado, Texas and Mississippi "In 2008, on the southeast corner of north Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, I witnessed a large flying Thunderbird riding the lead edge of a thunderstorm that was coming out of Clear Creek Canyon. Bay area I got the following in January of 2018, a few days after the sighting: Fremont, CA - 1/14/2018 - around 10pm PST I witnessed a pterodactyl from roughly 50-75 feet away. At me, opposite the flow of traffic, along over a small lake reports extensive research the... Description sound like pterosaurs, or pterodactyl sightings on Baker County with these flying creatures that are seen by across! Workmen were digging through Jurassic-era limestone for a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines near wetlands! For LDS readers ( living pterosaurs ) least a few minutes later that had... These flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet was [ shocked ] by the head and! It could be when they & # x27 ; re driving or riding as pterosaur. 20-20 vision and she told a few skeptics have declared that no watchers. To investigate pterosaurs still flying overhead cryptozoology skeptic science educator, environmental scientist and. 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