This is just the tip of the iceberg. Not all are willing to be drawn, but grace exists for them even so. TOUCH NOT MINE ANOINTED!!!!!. In addition, his teachings are now being heard daily with the radio program Sound Doctrine.. Gods grace has the power to transform a life, the imitation grace that you referencegives license to abusers like Rodney to continue adding to their victim count. As another poster noted, the Moses model often turns into the David model, where abuses are covered up and Nathans who cry foul are sent packing. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Totally healthy, right? Thankful for your honest reply Jim. Don is now a full-time missionary with GoinChrist Ministries. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? What are you so afraid of? Im sure if everyone who reads these articles examines their lives they would see sin in their own life too. When in my relationship with my future wife Delia, we would attend Church together and we would also attend her Spanish speaking church called Tabernaculo Baptista of Los Angeles. Pastor Rodney has not done that and continues to seek his own glory, not Gods. Pastor Mike McClure of Calvary Chapel San Jose, who is facing fines of at least $350,000 and now a lawsuit for holding indoor services since May 31 in violation of Gov. Get out while you still can. Box 2535, Eagle ID 83616 Calvary Chapel Eagle - Pastor Mike Sasso | Eagle ID (Isaiah 26:20-21; Matthew 24:29-31; Luke 21:36; Romans 1:18 and 5:9; I Thessalonians 1:10, 4:13-16, and 5:9; 2 Peter 2:7-9; and Revelation 3:10, 5:7-10, and 7:13-14). I would say that Chucks failed prophecies stemmed from one of the strengths you listed: the focus on Israel in their dispensational interpretation of the Bible. Pastor Rodney, I apologize for you being human like all of us and not bowing to those who want to control you. The signed documents they provided are proof of that. 313 talking about this. Rodney and Elvira Finch used church credit cards without providing an account for purchases, Henry alleges in his testimony. Learn how your comment data is processed. Welcome to the official Calvary Chapel Downey church app. No other Downey schools, organizations, businesses, or places of worship are currently listed as having been cited. Finch Jr. also alleged that two of his older sisters were beaten with extension cords.. It will not condone or recognize such same-sex marriages, civil unions, or domestic partnerships, even though state law provides for recognition of such unions. GET NOTIFIED WATCH AGAIN Donate. Yes, it is clear that you have seen what many of us have seen through the years. The Lord led Pastor Ray and the church to the city of Santa Fe Springs in 1993. Those of you defending Pastor Rodney just because you havent personally seen this stuff, doesnt mean it isnt true. 12808 Woodruff Ave. Downey CA 90242 Smith was a brotherlike King David a great one, but an exceptionally flawed one too. The Spanish Ministry would like to invite you to join us in the study of God's Word. 3:2-7, which says an overseer must be above reproach . He has been married 11 years to his beautiful wife Katie and they have 2 children, Eden and Shepherd. Alan Freund Miami Herald File Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director. On Livestream. Multiple calls were made to Calvary Chapel for comment without a response in time for publication. This idea of basically no accountability is only somewhat accurate. Use a little truth and the whole article must be true, correct? Secrecy must be maintained in order for abuse to continue, thats part of the reason its gone on for such a long time. And at its height, Smiths Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in southern California drew 25,000 people weekly. Hes then easily replaced (often times like Jacob they disappear overnight) but rest assured Rodney is not short on men that hes groomed who would want to be his around the clock servant. We also have mid-week Bible studies on Wednesdays at. (LogOut/ contact form. By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Latest songs by. Unfortunately as this story makes clear, the CCA exercises little oversight, as their main function is overseeing affiliation. Finch also has a radio show on The Bridgea station owned by Calvary Old Bridge, a church in New Jersey pastored by Lloyd Pulley. OBrien, Henry, and Riviera declined interviews. Consequently, each contracting parent is expected to review and affirm their agreement with such standards as a condition for admission with CCCS, both in terms of doctrinal belief and practical application. Not at them but for them. not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. Where Nondenominational means Calvary Chapel Clone. Smith founded the Calvary Chapel movement in 1965. She requested a delayed deadline for TRRs story so she could locate the documents. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. (1 Corinthians 14). Yes, we are all sinners and we should extend grace to others who have fallen into sin. (Isaiah 28:13; Nehemiah 8:8; John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23-25; and 2 Peter 1:3-4 and 1:21). For the word of God is alive and active. The name escapes me I believe it was Lost Boy or something but Ill search and see if I can find the exact title. Chuck and Jeff Smith and Mike Kester are in a legal battle for the control of CSN. Brian, I pretty much agree with your assessment of the Calvary Chapel movement. He left that church and never did say much about it. The church has been cited at least 10 times for violating L.A. County health protocols. Yes 2008-to about 2013 I was deep in the word of God, not that I am not today. Jaclyn, it is true that we are all sinners, but the story does not end there. Heres a new update still not accountable- same tricks, different day. (Matthew 28:19; Luke 22:19-20; Acts 2:38; and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Former members and staff at Calvary Chapel Cary say the Moses model and pressure not to report issues have exacerbated problems with Finch. I can say now, I witnessed the same. In the nearly two months since he announced his run for governor prodded by friend and devoted advocate Jack Hibbs, the pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Elder has courted evangelicals. Lets remember his spearhead role in taking the Gospel to the hippie movement. Rodneys full time personal servant, until Rodney has no use for him. The majority of Calvary churches are pastored by good men with integrity and a board of elders that DO hold them accountable for bad behavior etc. We believe in the person of God the Father, an infinite, eternal, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayers; and that He saves from sin and death all those who come to Him through Jesus Christ. Even getting hit as an adult ! Welcome to Calvary Chapel Downey - a place to grow in Jesus Christ and with one another. However, I dont understand why anyone remains in the congregation. A trail of absolute destruction. Our study consists of worship, a Bible study in Spanish and fellowship. Calvary Downey Spanish @CalvaryDowneySpanish 630 subscribers Subscribe Facebook Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Videos Play all 55:14 Josu 1:1-9 "La Misin de Transicin" 75. Theyve been brainwashed into believing theres no good churches in the area "Of course it would be a. There are those that are going to stand with Rodney and defend him to the bitter end. So what? C Calvary Chapel of Downey CCCS LIVE. "You will often find that board members are hired and fired at the whim of the senior pastor," Newnham said. We believe that God created man and that He created them male and female. I would also have to disagree that grace is only for the repentant. All the power is consolidated in the senior pastor. Finch also used church funds for projects in India without providing an accounting of expenditures, Edwards says in his testimony. But this service was special, it was more of a tribute to the senior pastor who started Calvary Chapel Downey in Late seventies. Fontaine added that Finch gets monthly counseling and has accountability from other Calvary Chapel pastors but would not name the pastors providing this help. You are so brave for speaking out., Another posted that hes witnessed abuse by Pastor Finch and that Calvary Chapel Cary has a trail of dead bodies.. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Further, lascivious behavior, the creation, viewing, and/or distribution of pornography and efforts to alter one's physical gender or gender related appearance are incompatible with a true biblical witness. They are standing for truth and deserve our admiration and prayers. The following is posted for research and informational purposes and is from a secular news source. Find a ministry you can be a part of today. Suit and tie? . Welcome to the official Calvary Chapel Downey church app. SENIOR PASTOR RICHARD SCHORK. A trail of absolute destruction. I believe his son, about the childhood abuse, he has nothing to gain by lying. At this time in my life I was working of course, living in the house of hell in Downey with the devil incarnate my grandfather Raul and mother. This is endemic in the evangelical community seems to simply be a part of their system dominate authoritarianism. They are great churches to invite your neighbors to. His past is ruining his present, including people in his household. Calvary Chapel is an association of evangelical churches, mostly in the Moderate Faction of the Charismatic movement but with former historical origins in Pentecostalism.It maintains a number of radio stations around the world and operates many local Calvary Chapel Bible College programs.. Beginning in 1965 in Southern California, this fellowship of churches grew out of Chuck Smith's Calvary . (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2; Psalms 102:27; John 3:16 and 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17; and Titus 1:3). My life was changed in 2008 due to Pastor Jeff and I am forever thankful for his teachings , love , kindness and warm soul when I did meet him, embodying a true Christian. Michael Newnham, a former Calvary Chapel pastor and blogger, who has researched and exposed abuses within Calvary Chapel churches for 20 years, told TRR that Calvary pastors are beyond accountability. He isnt being persecuted, hes being held responsible for his wrongs. It was here that I also met new people, pastors and even a time when myself and Delia temporarily separated that I met other single adults. As for faithfully preaching the gospel, one must take into account that many evangelical preachers help guide many to atheism through their abuse of power and duplicitous ways. Dont mess with Gods anointed., However, the younger Finchs posts about abuse by his father continue to gather messages of support. I imagine a lot more stories are going to come up. Since 1996, he has also served as a police chaplain. God draws everyone to Him. A call was placed to Calvary Chapel for comment, however, they did not respond in time for publication. But the movement has been dogged by repeated scandals and lax moral standards among its leadership. Clifton Touchstone (left), assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Norman, OK, talks with Carlton and Hammon, two Mormon missionaries. SUNDAY 8:30am | 10:30am | 6:00pm. Under the ministry of Jeff Johnson, Calvary Chapel of Downey has grown to average weekly attendance of more than 9,000. I believe you, one commented. He must be destroyed! Email Address . He was riding on a wave or revival. Loretta Campbell likened the Calvary Chapel community to an established network of brothers or good ole boys network.. Gavin Newsom's restrictions on churches during the COVID-19 pandemic, says he's "called to . Pastor Richard. Currently Pastor Art is the Senior Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey. Region Leader: Pastor Jeff Johnson Calvary Chapel Downey. Josh Thompson is the Lead Pastor of Legacy City Church in Studio City, Los Angeles. This is more important than all of that., In the same post, Johnson describes the use of masks as spoofs and discredits official statistics, while also suggesting that the disease is serious and could take people out., Nearly a month later in a video dated Nov. 15 Johnson announces that some church staff had contracted the virus, including a few who got it very seriously.. They have removed different churches at times from affiliation, some with less cause than this story represents. Any pastor, pastoral assistant, board member, employee, or volunteer whose confession of faith or behavior is in conflict with this Statement of Faith, Character, Beliefs and Ordinances will be subject to removal and termination from his or her position in the church. Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California. As Michael Newnham chronicled on Phoenix Preacher, Pastor Chuck wasnt qualified to be an Elder because he cheated on his wife. As I have been meeting with many of our students in our school, I am saddened to hear of how many of them are going through a dark time. He is very missed, deeply. Join us for our services. I dont know the situation with the commenter but the Calvary Chapels Ive been to tended toward legalism. Our Senior Pastor Jeff Johnson followed the call of the Lord in 1978 and began a school at Calvary Chapel of Downey. All rights reserved. They erroneously believe that verse by verse teaching is the only way to learn Gods Word, so they can overlook and show cheap grace to the abusive pastor Che Ahn, the lead pastor of Harvest Rock Church, addressed the Democrat governor in his message Sunday at the Pasadena location, CBSLA reported. while I was being sexually abused.. Jeff Johnson, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, welcomes pastors and leaders to the February conference. Many people love and serve the god of comfort and convenience (Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 3:18; John 16:8-11; Romans 8:26 and 15:13, 16; and Hebrews 9:14). Rodney and Elvira have been devouring sheep for decades, when people catch on to their deceiving religious charades they leave the church and a new unsuspecting crowd comes in through the revolving doors. For this reason, homosexuality and all other "sexual preferences" or "orientations" are unnatural, sinful, and unacceptable to God. We will not take this lying down and surrender, we will continue to fight for our kids, and it starts with getting in the Word. He also makes very clear that evil must not be tolerated within the church in 1 Corinthians. JULY 29-30 | 7A-1P. We are not brain washed we love Jesus. Calvary Chapel Melbourne officials are trying to contain the fallout from the handling of the longtime pastor and founder of the mega-church's departure from a leadership role with the . Welcome to the official Calvary Chapel Downey church app. Every Calvary Chapel church is independent, so it really depends upon the leaders and leadership structure within a specific congregation. Gossip is a terrible sin, Taylor writes, and includes both true and untrue things said about the church or pastor. Jeff taught us that Christ is the glue that holds us together and I believe that. Please let the Bible define Gods grace for you and not your feelings or emotions.. 2022 Calvary Chapel Downey. . The church began to meet in the cafeteria of Santa Fe High School prompting the church to change its name to Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs. Stay plugged in with the ministry . Each of them good people who didnt deserve it. Every time one of these stories breaks, it is a heartache, whether it is our tribe or another. In May of 1973, Jeff Johnson became part of what was to become Calvary Chapel of Downey. Many Calvary Chapels stay dispersed all the time with the exception of opportunities for fellowship. If he really was struggling spiritually, why didnt he tell the truth? This is just sad. Calvary Chapel pastors and leaders pray over Jeff and Karyn as they step out in faith to begin a new ministry in Israel supporting Messianic-believing Jews. A child may be baptized if the parents can testify to his or her ability to understand the meaning and purpose of baptism. Drug addiction, however, was only one aspect of Finchs concerning leadership, former staff and members said. All rights reserved. CCSJC 31612 El Camino Real San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675 USA (map) Google Calendar ICS. Watch Calvary Chapel of Downey's Join us LIVE | Calvary Chapel Downey on Yesterday he posted a diversion picture where hes posing with a 91 year old lady from the church. What she reported are first-hand accounts by people who were on the inside at Rodney Finchs church. Calvary Downey became my home church. For this reason, all CCD/CCCS affairs are conducted in full accordance with the Bible, CCD/CCCS Mission, and its Statement of Faith as contained in Calvary Chapel of Downey Church bylaws, as well as related policies reflecting Calvary Chapel of Downey religious nature. Retired police officer Jacques Gilbert toldTRRthat how the church handled the Nehemiah project was a big concern for the church community. But its not the first Pastor Finch has been accused of wrongdoing. . Has his gospel message been called into question or where is the fault in his teaching? By May of 1978, only five years after his start of a small fellowship, the Lord blessed Jeff with a fantastic facility as big as six football fields. The most concerning of all of course was his insistence that every single CC church teach exactly, word for word every single thing that he taught and believed. 43 0. But it seems likely to me that a person in a congregation like the one described would have definitions based less on their own unchecked emotions than on the word of a persuasive but untrustworthy teacher. In the email, Adams confirmed that he had led a CCA assessment of the allegations against Finch in 2019. I had to lead my family out of that church to retain my own faith, David Hogan said. Find a ministry you can be a part of today. Edwards also said Finchs wife, Elvira, was very, very controlling, and wouldnt allow female leaders or pastors wives to attend Bible studies anywhere but Calvary. DOWNEY - Even as coronavirus continues to surge, one of Downey's largest spiritual organizations is encouraging its parishioners to "stand up" against COVID-19.. Calvary Chapel Downey has recently found itself in the middle of the debate over religious freedom during a pandemic, notably how - or if - a congregation should meet to worship at a time when government officials are . Human life begins at conception. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. I personally do not remember the message I am sorry to say I do not recall. Michael Newnham, a former Calvary Chapel pastor and blogger, who has researched and exposed abuses within Calvary Chapel churches for 20 years, told TRR that Calvary pastors are beyond accountability. Who We Are Calvary Chapel Downey (,, Follow Josephs Adventures in Writing on Jeff Johnson was not just handed Calvary Chapel of Downey, and he was not what most people would have called an up-and-coming young man. 1 month ago. I did not give my life to Christ on that day, but would come back every Sunday and Wednesday and even come on Thursday for a Mens bible study. Finch also raised money for projects that were never completed, including a building project called the Nehemiah project, chair purchases, and a parking lot, said the Edwardses. Teaching seminars, Bible classes, home studies, various training programs, mission outreaches, as well as a Christian Elementary & Jr./Sr. And one steamroller marching in lockstep when that is to their advantage. The pure, holy, self righteous, those without sin, and religious must all pile on and destroy this man, and the congregation! Every pastor, pastoral assistant, board member, employee, or volunteer shall be in good standing and affirm his or her unequivocal agreement with this Statement of Faith, Character, Belief and Ordinances as described in this Preamble. Find a ministry you can be a part of today. Funny 2 . We must not tolerate wolves for pastors. None of us reading her brief comment know what defines grace for this person. Copyright 2023 The Downey Patriot Newspaper. Pastor Glenn Kravig (center) leads the Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, prayer team as they pray over Pastor Art Reyes . The. We are so glad you have chosen to discover more about our great school! We believe in a literal Heaven and a literal Hell and that all those who place their faith, hope, and trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in Heaven with the Lord, while those who reject Jesus free gift of salvation will spend eternity separated from God. Bret Allen Welty was arraigned this week on a charge of sexual abuse of a minor and a charge of lewd conduct with a minor. Whether it is Pastor Jeff or any guest speaker at the podium delivering the message for the day, Calvary Chapel Downey is the place to be to worship, give thanks and Praise our GOD for all of HIS GLORY!!! The Roys Report seeks to foster thoughtful and respectful dialogue. It seems to me that personal observations of that kind are more likely to put people on the defensive than to change their minds. Several years ago, I wrote a commentary titled "Ichabod.". His website provides free resources for those wanting to know what Christians believe, as well as why we believe. I attended a CC for a few years and while I didnt have a bad experience, I likely wouldnt seek it out again. . Anyone who harms the innocent should not be in leadership anywhere. I am a Calvary Pastor with 30+ years of involvement in the Calvary movement and have never heard such a rule implied or enforced . C Calvary Chapel of Downey. Pray for them & let them be. Yes, you are right. But Its important today to thank a man who I do not wish to forget. However, we also cannot ignore other clear teachings of the Bible. Of course they are, its the way of the abusive narcissist: blame shifting, gaslighting, and deflecting. She added that Finch disparaged pastors who left, accusing them of wanting to take over his church. What I think is going on is people are speaking out against someone who causes harm to others, and that person happens to be a pastor. Change). Decades of wrongs. Last nights service I watched online, which I do not always get to do because I am teaching at that exact same time. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of "Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse" by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. 2022 Calvary Chapel Downey. . Pastor Art stepped out to plant a home bible study in Rosemead, CA in 2014. The Reigning King. Disperse for Defense, Concentrate to Attack. That being said while a world-class evangelist in every sense of the word, CC has some significant flaws and those started with Chuck Smith himself. Likewise, the high level of Biblical literacy Chuck and his cohort put into the laitys hands is also, more or less, the extent of biblical literacy the movement expects or even tolerates among CC pastors. We believe that all people are sinners by nature and, therefore, are under condemnation; that God saves and regenerates based upon faith by the Holy Spirit, those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. Whether you are looking for answers to lifes questions or a place to grow spiritually Welcome Home. Jeff and Karyn revealed a surprise of their ownGod's new direction for their lives. He IS Untouchable. You know the ones: they see eagles, bears, and marks of the beast in practically every news headline. This was shortly after Finch confessed to a drug addiction, then quit his rehab program prematurely and returned to the pulpit, Edwards told TRR. If they cant stand a bit of scrutiny, let em fall. I encourage you to read 1 Tim. I used to want to take part in leadership at a church. Someone like Michelle Fontane must be making good money, and her husband is an assistant pastor according to their website His daughter has filed suit alleging elder abuse and neglect when Smith. I am sick of the enemy stealing our hope and peace our lifeto the full that Jesus promises us (John 10:10, NIV). He became a Jr. High Math teacher in the year 2000 and has loved serving and ministering in Junior High and High School ever since. The enabling assisting pastors love their position. There is no real accountability.. Jeff Johnson is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of Downey, California. In fact, allowing that unrepentant person to experience appropriate consequences is a work of grace. He serves the Lord joined by his wife Briana, and two kids, Caleb and Micah. kids 4yrs-6th grade online or in the CMO after services. We believe in the laying on of hands for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the ordination of pastors, elders, and deacons, and for the receiving of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now is your opportunity. It really speaks to this religion and does not say very nice things. BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) Calvary Chapel in Boise has issued a statement after a local pastor was arrested this month on child sex abuse charges. Copyright 2023 The Downey Patriot Newspaper. Thats true love. I continued to attend bible studies and eventually I even joined a home bible study with an old friend Joe and Dora Chivira who were a couple who I met in High school parents of a couple class mates. Congratulations on recruiting a worldly writer who cleverly provides an article full of words such as alleged, accusations, accused. I know he is still a man and he fails like any other man and women and I understand he is not perfect, even has even mentioned that in his services have prodigal kids. Deeply grateful for your work, Julie. One of the things that these abusive and toxic environments produce is the propensity for sexual immorality and abuse. The Bible is clear that we need to confess our sins to one another. All That I Need. Here is a recent article of the passing of the baton to Art Reyes :, For those interested in Jeff Johnson Autobiographical book , as I have read this personally and its excellent called The Seeker,, Born and Raised in Los Angeles, Currently Living in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. The movement has been dogged by repeated scandals and lax moral standards among leadership. Free resources for those wanting to take over his church josh Thompson is glue! Done that and continues to seek his own glory, not Gods Adventures in on... Name the pastors providing this help did not respond in time for publication school Calvary... Businesses, or places of worship, a Bible study in Spanish and fellowship, including people his! Were beaten with extension cords emotions.. 2022 Calvary Chapel for comment, however, they not... The Moses model and pressure not to report issues have exacerbated problems Finch. Lord led Pastor Ray and the whole article must be maintained in order for abuse to continue, thats of... 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