The one thing that's been impressive for me, being a part of the family, is seeing how you all embrace the city. Every Wednesday, Dan Feigin, now the director of Trevors Upper School on the Upper East Side, sends a mass email to determine who will be playing that weekend. This is a super special edition. I can come up with a solution, we can figure it out somehow, some way if youve got the right people around you to do it. And it's kind of as an adult got me to a place where I desperately want our youth to get exposed to things they wouldn't normally get exposed to because that's how they learn what's out there. Peter is a serious businessman and an hilarious friend. God, I love it as a case study. She is like, "We're in this together." Its not really in a place where I could tell you, like, hey, heres our growth potential. Heading into his ninth year as President of the Milwaukee Bucks, and fifth year as President of the world-class Fiserv Forum, Peter Feigin brings more than two decades of dynamic corporate leadership to Milwaukees sports and entertainment scene. It's definitely not brain surgery. And I think we find it like it's a responsibility where we can set the example and we can innovate and then we can shout it from the mountaintops. Youre the ultimate insider. What would you be doing? Michael Red: I don't think there's anybody better. How do we talk beyond just coming to Milwaukee, but how do we do business together? Michael Red: Well, I love you back. Peter: Then I think youre, listen, viewer consumption, what youre talking about is whether you put on an Oculus or whether youve got five screens going up, people are now watching short form video in five to 20 second increments to absorb a game. Then it would move the franchise to Las Vegas or Seattle. We got here and kind of the first job was to look for a site and the second job was to really get public backing to build an arena, to demolish the Bradley Center and build a new arena, which were monumental big things to happen. Then you mirror that off the court. Peter Feigin, president of the National Basketball Association's Milwaukee Bucks and Fiserv Forum since 2014, graduated from Franklin & Marshall in 1992 as an American studies major. The first game goes to 9 points, and every game after that goes to 7. Let them know they're part of the family. So I've been ticketing him with $5,000 tickets, $50,000 tickets with little notes. Peter: Thats great, thats one of the only times that questions been asked. Its not the right environment for everybody. Msgr. And I've got to get Mark and Wes on the cast along with Jon. Youve collected all this human capital, both starting and back up. Proud of him and all the success. So I'm never a great example of where the balance is and what the cut off is in everything because it's all one big puzzle to me. We heard it straight from. Feigin would not be able to make his global pitch without his star. How big a deal it is to renovate downtown, and how big we can become and what a billboard the Milwaukee Bucks should be for Wisconsin around the world. Peter Feigin: So, it was kind of crazy. It would be great if you represented me and kind of went down there and looked at the business for a second." This was just the very beginning, the first thought was, "Oh, boy. Feigin was a four-year member of the men's soccer team as a midfielder during his undergraduate career at Franklin & Marshall. When you show up for the first day, are you pinching yourself? So, if you're against equality, then we probably never will understand or get along or agree with each other." Peter: John, the best. That is an interesting statement. John: That is a big deal. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think number one, it's restarting the business. What the heck do we do, like everybody else? (There are perks to being commissioner.) I think it starts with human capital, but it really starts with road mapping out each little thing. Now, you had private equity partners. But it was so much fun. A, if you werent doing this and I know this is a dream job. Does he pass enough? A decades-long Manhattan pickup basketball game is on hold because of the pandemic, creating an emotional void for its rotating cast of actors, executives and regular joes. How we build our brand and how we build our awareness and likability around that, it's just kind of one of those no-brainers, too. Peter Feigin has been the President of the Milwaukee Bucks since October 2014. Im probably like someone who gives everything away. Its rotating cast includes bankers, lawyers and high-powered television executives. Peter: The same he is, everywhere else. But it's also, listen like I wish, I have patience for nothing, and I think what I'm learning and trying to get a grip of is like how do we chip away over every issue of social justice. So, for us, it goes back to constantly being really honest and forthright about where you are and how you can improve. John: Thats so great. Ive had so much fun and been in sports entertainment and aviation and in different things and its all been about every job Ive had incredibly, Ive said like, oh my God, could you imagine, like Ive died and gone to heaven. And it became one of the greatest things ever. I watch it. We have large sections that you never think about 10 years ago that people hang out at a bar, never have a seat, never, standing room only. Number one, obviously, because like you said, its rare air, but youre learning on the job. And I think the only thing anybody can control is their own effort and kind of their own dreams and where they want to go. Peter Feigin. With your owners and partners and this great group of people you put together, whats the future look like for the Bucks and what can some of the fans expect in the upcoming season? Peter Feigin, President of the NBAs Milwaukee Bucks and formerly Vice President of Marketing for the New York Knicks and Director of Marketing at Six Flags, joins me on the podcast today. But yet, still being leaders with more than a vote movement, just amazing, amazing. Donations to the school can be turned into compensation. This is the most, this is fun of life. And also, obviously some additions with Jrue Holiday and other great players we have this year. If you've been that lucky and you've been that blessed then you've got to share. So, for all the listeners, I played in Milwaukee for 11 years over a decade and had an incredible time there. Right now, its very hard to figure out and understand where its going, because this is the wild West. Peter Feigin: So, I mean, this is talk about, "You never know what's going to happen and where." And I think what happened in this year, in so many ways, was a great splash of ice water thinking like, "Boy, we got a long way to go." They called themselves The Magic Three as middle school teammates on the Upper East Side. We had a ceremony and we had, and out of all the things in the experience, like I want to be in a parade every day. "I have a 14-year-old boy who can basically tell me every single player in the NBA, as well as G-League, what Europeans are playing all through NBA 2K," Feigin says. From 2006-2014, the Bucks only made the postseason twice in eight seasons. When I was looking at the website, I was like, man, I cant wait to taste that chicken. John: I dont want to skip over that. Thats a good run. Its like you think about what the culture of community is. Our dinner table conversation. I'm like, "I don't know. [fusebox_track_player url= artist=Michael Redd title=Peter Feigin: You can figure out a way to win social=false ], His mentor relationship with Bucks players, The advice hed give his 16-year-old self. And theyve got it on. In the middle of New York and your, John: You knew you wanted to be a business person when you went to. And that's what we try to do. We've made it really authentic and localized with what our food and beverage offerings are going to be. Are you now being used as a paradigm by other team presidents, GMs owners that are looking to you and coming to you for advice or for just pearls of wisdom of how can we do it because heres where we sit in baseball or in football or in basketball because they want to follow this amazing path and journey that you guys have created there? How could it be?" Peter: its not the biggest, but it just talks about how special when you talk about in a small market, and we try to coalesce with the Brewers and the Packers as much as we can to be like the strength of these three pro teams and their players and their coaches and our coaches and GM spend a lot of time with the coaches and GMs at the Packers, which is just great. John: Your mom was part of the George Lois generation and Jerry Della Femina and then Donny Deutschs father David Deutsch. Peter, talk a little bit about the future. It looks amazing. You got to think about what the objective is, but I truly do believe, just no is not an answer if you surround yourself with smart people. You got to be someone that actually that enjoys being here and part of the family culture and part of an organization. How do you end up managing the importance of numbers and capital. Peter Feigin: I think we have a good structure with Jon Horst, who's really our GM and kind of really runs the basketball day-to-day. I've known Jon for, I don't know, 13, 14 years, and to see what he's done with the team as the general manager has been really impressive. Everybody knows everybody. So, this had been a surreal year and tough as a leader because it's exhausting. Just what you said is like were always coming in this balance of how do we, we want Giannis to represent the Bucks brand. Then she just starts laughing. Can you keep a competitive championship-caliber team across an era? So, then you start thinking about really building a district in a small city within a city. Even though we just opened up a building two years ago, you're starting in a place where we're going to have some attrition and lose some fans and have to build equity back up and get back to basics of like building ticket sales, building everything else. Michael Red: So, the league, obviously, is halted with COVID and then in the middle of all of that, you have the George Floyd issue. Youre going to have a lot of fun. I think we had like, "Oh, we had decent amount of African Americans. And that's kind of like you do it with great people around you. You're exactly right. But no matter how skilled the player, new members are included on a probationary basis. People can find it at, I saw the website, it was Cluckery,, right? Giannis Antetokounmpo is the gift that keeps on giving for Bucks' management. My mother was one of the preeminent ad executives from Grey Advertising for 40 years. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Talk a little bit about where you even grew up, how you even got here. We should put our own definitions and we should continue to improve." It became such a healthy place to be.. John: It looks amazing. Talk about that. Back when the Feigins (now teenage) sons were much younger, Lasry suspected that Peter or Dan would give them a secret signal to scamper onto the floor if their team was losing. Youre physically building an arena, a district, a template for success. John: Its fascinating you say that. Crazy simple story grew up in New York City, Manhattan on the Upper East Side, went to high school in Brooklyn. Peter: Which people gave. It was, like you couldn't even, if you had a thousand scenarios, of what the last year could be for the Milwaukee Bucks and what you're kind of thinking about and dealing with, it's just been a pretty incredible ride and ton of emotion. You got into really like, "How do we create resources for people to just talk about how they're feeling, about how they vent, about how do they get support for their lives?" Peter Feigin: Hey, John thanks for having me. Why shouldn't we resemble the city we work and live in, instead of kind of what national things are? It's hard to build trust here and it's provincial. How do we affect the community together? I just wanted to get it done and kind of move the needle and kind of. His rise from recruiter's president, handing out parking tickets in the Buck's lot, working for social justice in the epicenter of the global movement, and his unique leadership style. I heard or to make the statement, are you the employee of the month? It was just such a big deal. You start and now talk about the major, like you said, you got a great human capital person, you got a great CFO. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's like I take everything from athletics. Players, for 50 nights a year, land at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning to get home and kind of do what the time balance is. He's with us today. Social media has created an avenue to spread the Bucks' brand beyond Milwaukee and the United States. Hey, so talk a little bit about impact. Anybody who wants to joust with me or do anything, I was like, "Well, just tell me where you're against the equality. And I don't know how many people know this, towards the end of his life, he really kind of did exhibitions, talks, and meetings literally until the day he almost died and traveled the country and the world as really kind of an incredible role model with an incredible story. Michael Red: It's becoming that and has become that. Peter: Well, I made one of the biggest mistakes ever to begin with. Kevin Draughon, who participates in the games, sat with Dylan Feigin and her brother, Jackson. His friends, while the games are suspended, are trying to stay as prepared as possible. Citation. Peter: You got it running the 70s, 80s and 90s, yep. If you need a shot at good inspiration and a good laugh, listen to this episode. He notes that with the Bucks also opening a G League team calledthe Wisconsin Herdthis past fall, there was internal debate about making the investment, but Edens was a notable force moving the decision forward. So, I can't be too vocal, because if the owners knew how valuable it was that, I conceptually run a retail operation with thousands of pieces of apparel. John: Thats so true. Peter Feigin: I mean, just different ways, we started to think about doing this. So when I talked to her, I said, hey, Ive got to tell you, first of all, the executive committee at Saturday morning run says, this is a good thing. So, it really is kind of like all of us working together to figure out what the balance is. Do you want to open a sports book? That's not a "here we got to the finish line." Thats what we call our volunteering. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't come back unless you give me a pair of All-Star socks. Thats good. He was a truly taught consumer products, marketing, and operations guy, was okay. Talk about that relationship that you have with the players. We had this, I think it was an intern, said to us like, Well, we should, have you read about ghost kitchens? Of course were sitting there going like, eh, kind of like, we dont know what the hell youre talking about. Michael Red: Wow. But now, going into the future, obviously in the present now, we got fans at the games now, which I know is massive for the organization. You are in a community thats not only sports crazy, but very community minded, the Packers, the Badgers, the Bucks are all very community involved. Who negotiated in 2018 for the only NFL player to invest and buy 1% of the Bucks, Aaron Rodgers, being Aaron Rodgers, whose genius was that? He ran companies like Alma and Posner and cosmetics. Theres some other attributes, but just take those three is like your best, which, whether youre on basketball or the business side, you die for. For naming rights, Feiginsaid the franchise is looking for an international brand willing to spend $7 million to $10 million annually for 20 years. Feigin says Bucks Gaming will consist of roughly 10 full-time employees, including the team's five players, who will be housed by the franchise. That was one of these monumental, incredible, awesome times to get it done. This is all a good launch point for Feigin to introduce a state-of-the-art arena. We were literally refining, cared about all the cookies and stories in it and stuff. It keeps on changing, but we've got to be able to pivot and understand when we're out of balance. And again, it's kind of the relationship. And I love your brother. You know what I mean? That the only option we really had was to build grassroots and build relationships and take time across the entire community. Please talk about the Cluckery because this is so much fun and I wanted you to share your whole, the vision and how this all came about. John: Right. Peter Feigin: And how do you rethink your strategies for retail? Michael Red: I just, I got to start the podcast off with, before we get into our history, someone just texted me and wanted me to ask you this question. It will host 200 events each year with the Bucks and Marquette men's basketball as anchor attractions. Their experience is basketball. Michael Red: I don't know if that's the responsibility of the organization to have that permeate throughout the city, but have you seen a shift in Milwaukee, even when it comes to people coming together from different races and different creeds? Then you talk about what your leadership is and what your purse is so it all starts and ends with Giannis. Feigin's twin brother emphasized his brother's role in reshaping downtown. It is a really tough existence. President Peter Feigin tells the 'The Claman Countdown' how the Bucks franchise has impacted the local economy Bucks president Peter Feigin said Friday that the team is going to use the. She couldn't be more supporting from everything. I always joke that we could run a country, dAmboise said. Peter Feigin: And make a long story short, I went with him, I think, the first trip was to Philadelphia and we looked at the Sixers and then we looked at probably 10 other teams over the next decade. And have you seen that shift a little bit in the city since Milwaukee is kind of spearheading that, the Bucks? Peter: Married. Peter Feigin: And then, one of the more proud moments in pro sports, we lead a boycott to a game, that becomes really a pause for the entire world. We've made it intimate with a 17,500-person crowd. It has huge value and its paid huge returns for us. The goal off the court is we want a new arena. Now you win, you have the championship. And remember, betting on yourself is the secret to your success. "Very simply, we went into the market and said, 'We're going to build this market. Growing up, you used to hang out, go to the garden and you were a Knicks fan or Rangers fan and Yankees or Mets. Peter Feigin: I'm not a good example of life balance, because I kind of blend them in such a big way that my kids, my brothers, my mother, my wife, they're all a part of it. The players, nobody has the awareness that, most of our players are between 20 and 30 years old and it's like for the rest of the world, it's like the most developmental time. Talk about it, you transition now from the Knicks and your consulting gig to the president of the Bucks. And we want to attract people who want to be in that mode. But you got to remember, there's the rest of the neighborhood and we've got to continue to focus on the task at hand. Feigin told the crowd, "The city has really embraced the organization and this team in a way that is just heartwarming and proud and were not even there yet, which is really exciting and great so thank you very very much!". Peter Feigin didn't go looking for his job as president of the Milwaukee Bucks. Now, youre talking to your wife and your children and youre moving from New York City to Wisconsin. So, thank you for being on the cast today. I talk about it all the time with my wife, with my brother, with everything. We had Chris Middleton and Giannis involved in it kind of conceptually, and really fun conversations with Giannis brother Costas had just won for the Lakers the year before. We had weekly calls. Check out the Undergraduate Program Majors & Careers Pursue your interests and passions with customized support from our career team. And because Blake was in our backyard, like literally in Kenosha, which as you know is so close, it became personal. Weve had Giannis invest in the brewers, which is like. Bucks championship parade will be this Thursday, Bucks President Peter Feigin says - YouTube Breaking news: The Bucks Championship parade will be this Thursday! But there are also long-range shooters who work in retail sales and small forwards who direct nonprofits, photographers and writers, students and teachers. The Giannis Effect has been a product of the digital age. And I think the only thing anybody can control is their own effort and kind of their own dreams and where they want to go. NBA all-star, olympic gold medalist & world-class investor. You cant imagine. You talked about the head of human capital, and obviously Im proud to say, and Im only saying this with love, youre a native New Yorker like I am and were people, people. Thanks for listening. John: Welcome to another edition of the impact podcast. I thought Id hit the jackpot, Feigin said. Im so proud and honored to have this conversation with you today, and thank you for your generosity of your time. We built an infrastructure, to our owners' credit on, they made it really simple. Number one, were in the middle of COVID. But talk about that nuance and being in leaders on the social injustice play. Thats an interesting question. But Feigin also gives credit to video games. His company, Fortress Investment Group, also owns the eSports team FlyQuest. Just my own exposure was mixed in what are best practices for centralized services. That can only come from one or two people in the entire organization. John: Just for a fun look, for our listeners sake. Peter: to anybody I thought was of great skill and value for selfish reasons to feel good. The most meaningful thing that you can never take for granted is we gave about 850 part-time workers rings to get done. Michael Red: Talk about the process of redeveloping downtown and one who's so in love with Milwaukee and it's like a second home to me, living there for so many years. Feigin's twin brother, Daniel, is director of the upper school at New York City's Trevor Day School. Peter: Yeah. But, you want to be in a place where people care about you? The ring features plenty of subtle and not so subtle Bucks symbolism. There is an honor system. Peter: How do we envision the next day? And our expectations are to consistently improve and grow as a business and consistently improve on the court and vie for a championship. And with that, Feigin became the business brains behind a team about to set NBA standards in architecture, basketball operations and technology -- only he didn't know it. Michael Red: Giannis Antetokounmpo and that team is so special to watch. As commissioner of one of New York Citys longstanding pickup basketball games, Dan Feigin always knew where he would be every Saturday morning: inside the subterranean gymnasium at Trevor Day School in Manhattan, where he has worked for nearly three decades as a teacher, coach and administrator. Me, do n't talk to me, do n't think there 's anybody better start thinking about really a... N'T think there 's anybody better had Giannis invest in the middle of COVID in backyard... The goal off the court is we want to skip over that like you think doing. Starts with road mapping out each little thing it at, I love you back but really. That questions been asked your, john thanks for having me balance is constantly being really honest and forthright where. All-Star, olympic gold medalist & world-class investor the first day, are trying to as. With great people around you serious businessman and an hilarious friend we talk beyond just coming Milwaukee! 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