DODDOA-009787 Maintaining camouflage discipline continuously. Use a radio set control group to relay remote communication into the tent. MP conduct screening missions to provide early warning of enemy approach and to See FM 7-8 for individual fighting position construction. Improve the fighting positions to provide overhead and frontal cover. criminals, or gangs may try to observe installations, deep-water ports, or other facilities to During a reconnaissance in force, the friendly unit seeks to determine the enemy's locations, dispositions, strength, and intentions. 1-43. Conduct effective liaison with higher HQ PM elements. more information about UR. Appendix K CIVIL-DISTURBANCE MEASURES 1600 Receive the mission. 6-9. Issue the order. Tag Use DD Form 2745 and include at a minimum the following information: Multi-Purpose Range Craft. The preparatory fire is initiated when the assaulting element is as close to the objective as it can get without being injured by the enemy. Information on enemy activity and likely avenues of approach is coordinated with military intelligence (MI). LAY HASTY PROTECTIVE MINEFIELDS In addition, they can fire into areas that would be dead space for ground-level weapons. deadly force must always remain an inherent right of individuals in instances when they, Use the military planning and decision-making process. TIME: Report the time the enemy was seen. Prepare and issue the WO as early as possible to allow maximum time for preparation. At no time will forces be deployed without the ability to defend themselves against a lethal threat, nor will they forego normal training, arming, and equipping for combat. Require OPs and LPs. In an open column, elements are widely spaced as a passive defense measure. 5-28. Immediate reaction to enemy threat or attack. Use Fire Commands 2-3. The platoon has one critical wartime mission which is to provide MP CS to an . to the rules of engagement (ROE). information to plan sabotage or criminal activity, or to simply disrupt the efforts of friendly The platoon leader or sergeant ensures that the platoon has the equipment it needs to defend under these conditions. Figure 4-5. Refer to FM 90-40 . It should not be in a defile, on a hill, or at a sharp curve in the road that could cause movement to slow. If this is not possible, he locates it where it can cover the most likely avenue of enemy approach. leader traffic control measures that include- Call for indirect fire on areas where the enemy is likely to regroup. available, he uses prearranged visual signals, such as smoke or flares. It shows the relationship between the task selection and its associated training events, to include recommended . Plan for fire support to increase MP combat power. Picks roads and trails that permit an easy flow of traffic. Normally, civilians are not allowed to cross the river or move along the edge of the river during the river crossing operation. mission essential task list. 7-3. NLW provide the commander with Select fairly secure locations for halts ; This reduces construction requirements and minimizes logistical requirements. Collocated DODDOA-009801 A forward collecting point (Figure 7-1) should not be set up near local inhabitants. Do not locate OPs/LPs in such locations as a water tower, an isolated grove of trees, or a lone building or tree; these positions draw enemy attention and may be used as enemy artillery TRPs. In this role MP may For an area ambush- coordinated with the platoon's defensive fire plan. Nonlethal options are a complement to, not a replacement for, lethal force and seek to expand a proactive response across the range of military operations. When he wants to start firing on completion of the fire command, he just says, "Fire.". Figure 4-6. Focusing your efforts on enemy vulnerabilities. leaving an OP/LP. This is the least desirable means for a platoon to set up. The platoon has self-protection capabilities such as nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) detection equipment and a Platoon Early-Warning System (PEWS). EPWs are more specifically defined in FM 3-19.40 and the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, August 1949 . Regardless of the type of method used, report the information through proper MP channels as soon as possible. 1-11. train. 2 Issue a WO. Speed Control. Area reconnaissance is performed to obtain detailed information concerning the terrain or enemy activity within a prescribed area, such as a town, ridgeline, woods, or any terrain critical to the operations. train. What - the type of action. In other situations, often during stability and support operations, enemy combatants are so intermixed with noncombatants that US forces can not in good conscience use all available supporting fire. Combat load is the quantity of supplies, in all classes, that the company must have on hand to sustain operations for a prescribed number of days. Initial. Inhumane treatment is a serious violation of international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). 1-14. An ambush enables a small unit with light weapons to harass or destroy a larger, better-equipped unit. Leaders can integrate SCT training as part of their training plan to increase the proficiency level of the associated step prior to MET execution. A useful method of breaching is the shotgun ballistic breach for forced entry of standard doors. 12/27/2004 users. Select fairly secure locations for halts. Halts are conducted for various reasons. The capturing unit is responsible for guarding prisoners until relieved. 5-10. FM 19-10, Military Police Law and Order Operations. DODDOA-009835 contains both active and passive elements and includes combat action to destroy or repel If the lock is not defeated by the second shot, the gunner repeats the procedure. 4-1. Area reconnaissance and surveillance are vital to maintaining AS and contribute to the commander's intelligence collection plan. 4-11. Military Police. If nuclear weapons have been used at least one team using radiation detection_ , indication, and computation (RADIAC) meters monitors the site for radioactive contaminants. Depending on METT-TC, the IBCT may be augmented by MP elements ranging from a platoon to a battalion. obtain information. approaches to the area and avenues leading away from potential landing zones. MP monitor likely enemy avenues of approach and LZ and DZ in critical areas to give early warning of rear-area enemy activity. This provides backup to ensure that all information is passed onto higher HQ. Integral to mission planning is the analysis of mission requirements in terms of time, MP must be able to defend the site even before occupation is complete. The platoon leader or PSG designates vehicles and personnel from the platoon that /fm/3-14 41el-tan4 htm.11 /1", PlAAd 6-19. Other. In most cases, the scout platoon cannot be expected to acquire, identify, and defeat enemy reconnaissance elements. 4-119. Enemy prisoners of war. X X X 4-78. You'll also control traffic, prevent crime, and respond to all emergencies. reconnaissance and surveillance and providing early warning of enemy activity. This framework requires military police to be knowledgeable, multiskilled, and adaptive to achieve the commander's intent. - Vigilance is the watchword for local security. Crew-served weapons engage all targets on the move with free gunfire. When aiming from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle, or both, the gunner must lead the target. The Training Management Directorate is working to help leaders understand the relationship between METs and the associated SCTs. DODDOA-009788 5-22. Uses camouflage screens and man-made cover and concealment where needed. including organization, planning, and execution. Mobile patrols to operate along primary routes to control traffic, spot problems, guide and escort vehicles, and reroute traffic when necessary. 12/27/2004 6-27. Refer to AR 190-8 and Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Indianapolis (DFAS IN) 37-1 for more information about confiscated and impounded property. Unobstructed observation of the assigned area or sector. They use the cover of darkness for their operations. 4-61. place. The three types of river crossings include- Concealing equipment from the sides and overhead. MP tasks that support maneuver include- Report the grid Most often, platoons will deploy a squad-size element for an attack on a single kill zone (a point ambush). Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) - Standardized Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) are the Headquarters, Department of the Army official listings of the fundamental tasks that units are designed to perform in any operational environment. Units that are not directly engaged in combat often find it necessary to travel in order to position themselves for combat operations. DODDOA-009849 7. Search and inspect every EPW and CI and their possessions. 6-20. The platoon conducts combat operations, when required, through the employment of mobile combat systems containing three-man teams operating independently or in concert, and having vehicle crew-served and individual weapons capable of defeating a Level II threat and whether as part of an established base or base cluster or separately as a company or a The OPORD MTPs. MP receive EPWs and CIs as far forward as possible to prevent maneuvering units from being burdened with large numbers of prisoners. The on-site supervisor rapid movement or displacement is anticipated, the OP mounts or remains mounted. Standardized METL consists of: Mission Essential Tasks (METs) - expressed as Collective Tasks, and Supporting Collective Tasks - expressed as T&EOs. METL stands for the Mission Essential Task List. Ensure that the SP is far enough away from the AAs to allow the vehicles to be organized and move at the prescribed speed when they reach it. 3. Chapter 1, Military Police Overview One or more GS MP platoons operate the division central collecting point. If this is the case, the search of the opposite sex must be performed in a respectful manner using all possible measures to prevent any action that could be interpreted as sexual molestation or assault. FM 3-19.4 Washington, DC, 2 August 2002. Repeat this action at each successive ORP. Reconnaissance patrols may differ slightly, depending on the type of reconnaissance to be performed. the gunner engages the targets. .. The driver concentrates on the area directly in front of the vehicle looking for any unexploded munitions, scatterable mines, or other road hazards. Using the range cards, the squad leader makes a squad sector sketch. FM 7-0, Training, released June 14, 2021, describes how the Army trains to compete, fight, and win.Most units in the U.S. Army have a Standard Mission-Essential Task List (METL) that assists . - Operating in urban terrain can be challenging, so consider the following: 6-34. Dig the firing platform at a level that allows the gun to traverse the sectors of fire. Setting up fighting positions if the situation calls for them. The SP is a recognizable place along the route of march (such as a road intersection). It depicts the holistic, unit-selected or proponent defined METL-focused training strategy. The wounded and sick will be evacuated separately through medical channels using the same assets as those used to medically evacuate US and allied forces. However, US commanders are always responsible for the defense and security of US forces and bases regardless of FIN support. Even a moderate number of detainees will put a strain on the equipment and supplies of an MP. The METL is a compilation of tasks critical to mission accomplishment. He then pulls the shotgun barrel sharply upward and quickly turns away from the doorway to signal that the breach point has been cleared. Team leaders provide fuel status. train. 1 2/27/20(14 MMS is conducted across the full spectrum of military operations. Having a choice of The increase in traffic and the more diverse forces with different They maintain Part B in their records and attach Part C to the confiscated property so that the owner may be identified later. 6-23. Figure 4-4. until traffic can be restored or rerouted. support for the river crossing. Time allowed for conducting the mission. The employment of MP is based on METT-TC, available resources, and the commander's priorities. operations (PIO) across the full spectrum of Army operations. The AS function consists of those security measures designed to give commanders freedom of maneuver and flexibility to conduct operations. While at the It is a point on the march route that is easy to recognize on the map and on the ground. When time and road space allow. Medical personnel determine if captives with serious wounds or sickness should be kept in the combat zone. mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4.htm 12/27/2004 Digs the hole deep enough to protect itself and still allow the gunner to shoot in comfort (usually about armpit deep). A company conducts a tactical road march for relocating and facilitating rapid movement of the vehicles with a prescribed speed and interval between the vehicles. Refer to FM 90-10-1. THREAT UNIT: An enemy soldier's unit may be hard to determine. Speed 4-99. 7 .htrn.12/27/2004 /1064 Dislocated civilian. DODD0A-009840 MP commanders plan successful operations by anticipating possible future events and As one of the key sources for determining the collective tasks for a unit's METL--and the source for MP mission-to-task training for FM 7-0 and FM 7-1--the Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) 19-313-10-Mission Training Plan (MTP), Mission Training Plan for Echelons Above Corps (EAC), Corps, and Division Military Police Platoons (Combat . Band Augmentation path that might affect the gun's accuracy. Starting configuration for the weapon will be: free of ammunition, on FIRE, with the bolt forward. Separate Setup The MP platoon in direct support of a crossing maneuver brigade, may be required to support the crossing without additional support. Under Type, highlight Combined Arms Training Strategy; under School, highlight Military Police. MI interrogation teams conduct interrogations during field processing. (LOC) will be critical to continuous sustainment and recovery operations. The platoon leader considers be limited or obstructed during certain time periods (such as bridges, intersections, ferries, 4-94. A hasty attack. The platoon increases the intensity of fire as the enemy closes within range of additional weapons. If a unit is assigned a mission outside of Loading the basic equipment in the mounted standard brackets on the vehicle. Breaching operations normally require the maximum use of TCPs to assist support,.breach, and assault forces to move along various lanes. The priority of the targets (what to fire at, when to fire, and why). counterreconnaissance, MP operate either offensively or defensively using whatever tactics Lane training is especially valuable for conducting specific METL tasks, situational training exercises (STXs), and other training events. He then distributes his shots over the remaining target area from the center to each side and from front to rear. Reverse Planning Timetable Requires fewer guides, escorts, and markers for control than an open column does. 2) with limited risk of noncombatant casualties and collateral damage. Have strong floors to keep the structure from collapsing under the weight of debris. Their mode of operation is possible through the deployment and employment of the three-person team throughout the battlefield. The Army Reserve's 38th Regional Support Group conducted annual training here in early March as part of MOBEX'21 to test the base's viability as a Mobilization Force Generation Installation. .12/27/2004 harm. The security elements leave the ORP before the reconnaissance element. Avenues of approach are more canalized. Military Police Functional Areas 1-10. As a CS asset, MP can assist a scout platoon by locating the enemy reconnaissance element, freeing the scouts or TCF to perform the killing function of counterreconnaissance on larger mechanized enemy reconnaissance elements. Conducting TLP is an eight-step process (Table 2-3) . maintenance or upgrade a lane. MPTR. which include- If the perimeter is penetrated, move teams to block the penetration and cover friendly troops moving to alternate or supplementary positions. EPW and CI handling. Allow mutual support between the buildings. DODDOA-009762 htm.17/27/2014 Holding areas. defense operations center (BDOC) and the base cluster operations center (BCOC) to integrate the platoon's efforts with the base's and base duster's efforts. Coordinates the road march through the chain of command with the local movement control unit. MILITARY PLANNING For a combat operation, the COA statement and sketches include the following: Position Overlap the sectors of fire An MP platoon is capable of covering 500 square kilometers in rolling terrain; however, more severe terrain such as mountains, METT-TC, and mission objectives will affect this capability. Change MOPP gear without either yourself or your buddy becoming a casualty. main body of friendly forces by defeating or blocking the enemy forces. Uses trip flares, noisemaking devices, and NVDs to detect the enemy. 6-14. DODDOA-009848 Use the MK19 or M203 to cover the dead space. Base their plans on objective planning factors. 2-13. Setup in a Hide Position (Temporary Defensive Position) Minimal lighting reduces visibility from the air while it permits drivers to- Tracks the position of the target with the MK19 They are likely to hit enemy armored vehicles on the top or the side where armor is thin. space, and personnel. communication. The principles for an antiarmor ambush are the same as for an area or point ambush. Analyze the terrain in terms of observation and fields of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles, key terrain, and avenues of approach (OCOKA). Choose sites for halts and RPs. FM 3-19.4 maneuver control measures. MP contribute to the commander's concept of operations by conducting security and The enemy threat to the rear area requires commanders to issue mines as an When circumstances permit, such as taking advantage of available transportation, EPW evacuation may bypass one or more stations and deliver the detainees directly to a corps holding area or an internment facility. Saws or axes to clear the wooded areas. Publishing SOPs reduces the number of details to be explained. Line Ambush Formation . 0216902. The trail party recovers vehicles that cannot be repaired by their crews. It involves a soldier's mind-set of complete domination. Civilians and fire hazards may be present. Use OPs/LPs for the following: 4-20. The size of the patrol is determined by METT-TC. RECONNAISSANCE OPERATIONS The brigade TOC notifies subordinate units where the collecting point is located so capturing units with detainees can take them there. MP generally will have claymores available to them, which is mainly a defensive 4-64. Weapons and ammunition. Oversee the preventative maintenance checks and services of three Heavy Expandable Mobility Tactical . 4-3. METs/METLs are the list of "essential," critical, discrete, eternally . The use of lethal force, employed under-the standing ROE, will never be denied. movement near a defensive perimeter or at ambush sites. An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. Provides the warfighting focus to a unit's training program by identifying the list of tasks the unit must be able to perform in combat. 7-22. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. train. 2-30. He cannot delegate this responsibility, and the final decision and responsibility rest with him. Refer to Chapter 6 http://ati am. 12/27/2004 As other units may be planning to use the route, each unit must cross the SP on time. 4-75. weapon system engagement. The leader tells the soldiers the general direction to the target. 12/27/2004 Staging areas and engineer regulating points (ERPs) to provide directions and information, control movement to and from staging areas according to planned times, and relay messages between traffic HQ and the moving unit. ORP. 4/chnri4 him111/11/9(inct Internment and Resettlement The platoon continues to defend until the enemy is repelled or until the platoon is ordered to disengage. operations. time passes between the receipt of a mission and the execution of a plan, facts are increasingly likely to have changed. trai n. arrny. 1-32. given.. The His units. information that may affect the operational and tactical environment. Individual Digs the firing platform first. http://atiam.train.arrnv.milinortaliatia/adlsciview/nublic/297074-1. A zone reconnaissance is normally assigned when the enemy situation is vague or information concerning cross-country trafficability is desired. Purpose. Natural obstacles include cliffs, steep embankments, swamps, steep grades, sharp curves in the road, narrow trails, streams, and heavily wooded areas. This keeps the enemy from seeing which windows are manned and throwing hand grenades into the building. Attempts to destroy or suppress the enemy. conditions and conform to Army doctrine. - When collocated with a base or a base cluster, the platoon is integrated into that base's or base cluster's self-defense planning and operations. 66-animist vehicle. Team 1 To cover dead space not covered by FPF of crew-served weapons. Conventional reconnaissance elements are usually squad-size or smaller. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4.htm .12/27/2004. 5-13. needed. Refer to Chapter 9 for more information about PIO. The team Lane training is externally supported, resourced, and evaluated. To use the fan method (Figure 6-2), the platoon leaders selects a series of ORPs DODDOA-009821 4-30. To use the successive-sector method (Figure 6-4), build on the converging-routes method. Each unit member must understand the principles of precision room-clearing, such as surprise, speed, and controlled violence of action. (The platoon leader should not move his platoon out of position if it will destroy the integrity of the company's defense.). It can best be described as a careful hurry. In combat, the platoon leader is Shift to alternate or supplementary positions. . The task areas that support the function of MMS include- 1-38. Area Security In recent military operations, a nontraditional criminal threat has emerged. Good fields of fire into the kill zone. Converging Routes Method of Zone Reconnaissance An L-shaped formation is useful on a straight stretch of a trail, road, or stream. Provides C2 of the resources for planning, coordinating, and supervising the base cluster's defense. The determination of which techniques to employ is up to the leader on the scene 5. Procedures include the standing methods used by a unit to accomplish tasks, weapon and equipment operating steps, crew drills, and staff action and coordination. MP in GS are responsible for establishing and maintaining the division central collecting point. Dismounts all personnel except drivers at the dismount point. US policy demands that all persons who are captured, interned, evacuated, or held by US forces are treated humanely. important role in developing an optimum MP force package to support the brigade Designates parking areas for the heaviest, most awkward vehicles, such as 5-ton trucks. When done properly, the shotgun breach requires only a few seconds. 4-27. Refer to Chapter 6 for more information about AS. Iconstruction supplies The time a unit must cross the SP is provided to the unit. From among the specified and implied tasks, essential tasks that are crucial to the mission's success must be identified. 0 Water cans or lyster bag Aim Points for a Shotgun Breach of a Standard Door The PSG selects a site that offers good cover and concealment. the following is done: Improving primary fighting positions to include overhead cover. DODDOA-009755 The PM .12/27/2004 3-2. MAINTAIN AND MOVE A COMBAT LOAD Antiarmor Ambush . DODDOA-009852 Coordinate with the MI interrogation team if they are to colocate their interrogation site with the division forward collecting point. k7, Decide on the best COA. Mission-Essential Task List (METL) - Primary % Time by Step Baseline Cycle Time (in Seconds) Offeror Cycle Time (in Seconds Revised Cycle Time-(% change) Access EES to review reason for referral to administrative secondary 0.25 Capture relevant biometric data from traveler, as required 3.00 Capture Biometric Identifier 1 (Active/Fingerprint) 2.50 DODDOA-009794 Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about DC resettlement. MP conduct L&O to remove the conditions and opportunities that promote crime, thereby preventing diversion of military resources and maintaining military discipline. The capturing unit. Requests HQ personnel to prepare a movement table. Spreading out the base-of-fire element makes this type of fire particularly effective because the fire is directed from many sources. He must be able to articulate the capabilities and 12/27/2004 7-25. When possible, he covers the entire target of the team. 3-24. If the platoon steps down from sustained continuous operations and cannot return to its base or base cluster, it may need to operate briefly from a temporary defensive position. Position the assault and support elements parallel to the enemy's movement route (such as on a road or trail or at a stream). , a nontraditional criminal threat has emerged doorway to signal that the breach point has been cleared the team... Team throughout the battlefield of zone reconnaissance is normally assigned when the enemy from seeing which windows are manned throwing... //Atiam.Train.Army.Mil/Portal/Atia/Adlseview/Oublic/297074-1/Fm/3-1 7.htrn.12/27/2004 /1064 Dislocated civilian more information about as then pulls shotgun. That may affect the gun to traverse the sectors of fire. `` M203... Or held by US forces are treated humanely the road march through the chain of command the... And throwing hand grenades into the tent obstructed during certain time periods ( as. 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To AR 190-8 and defense Finance and Accounting Service-Indianapolis ( DFAS in ) for! Concealment where needed is not possible, he locates it where it cover! The tent even a moderate number of detainees will put a strain on the converging-routes.. Quickly turns away from potential landing zones. `` and LZ and DZ in critical areas to give freedom. Mission outside of Loading the basic equipment in the combat zone a mission outside Loading... Determination of which techniques to employ is up to the commander & # x27 ; s.. To MET execution have changed.htrn.12/27/2004 /1064 military police metl tasks civilian rest with him level of the river operation... Be augmented by MP elements ranging from a platoon to set up near local inhabitants not possible, he it! Of breaching is the shotgun breach requires only a few seconds that allows the gun 's accuracy the!

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