), daughter of Peter MACINTOSH and Catherine MACDONALD, Eileen Catherine McINTOSH(1901-1976), daughter of John Hammond McINTOSH and Catherine PICKERING, Eileen Edith McINTOSH(1899-1960), daughter of Francis George McINTOSH and Sarah Edith WAYTE, Eileen Gladys Anne MACINTOSH(1914-1982), daughter of Lauchlan MACINTOSH and Anne Priscilla SNELL, Eileen Ivy McINTOSH(1891-1975), daughter of Henry McINTOSH and Julia Matilda BLACKBURN, Eileen Mary McINTOSH(1906-1995), daughter of John McINTOSH and Annie KIERNAN, Eileen Mary Elizabeth MACKINTOSH(1890-1973), daughter of James Harold MACKINTOSH and Jessie Barbara WAKEFIELD, Eileen Pearl McINTOSH(1906-? Retrieved from, Pearl Harbour: USS Arizona Casualties List Pearl Harbour December 7, 1941. ), son of Donald McINTOSH and Janet MACPHERSON, Adam Bruce McINTOSH(1855-1939), son of Robert McINTOSH and Catherine BRUCE, Adela Dorothy McINTOSH(1896-1955), daughter of Charles William McINTOSH and Christina Jane WIGHTMAN, Adeline Amelia McINTOSH(1896-1923), daughter of David McINTOSH and Mary Ann CONLAN, Aeneas Alexander McINTOSH(1826-1909), son of Donald McINTOSH and Isobel McEWAN, Aeneas Alexander McINTOSH(1871-1946), son of Aeneas Alexander McINTOSH and Margaret GRANT, Aeneas Ronaldson MACKINTOSH(1861-1916), son of Alexander MACKINTOSH and Barbara Georgina Louisa MACDONNELL, Agnes McINTOSH(?-1864), daughter of Joshua McINTOSH/TOSH and Agnes CRAIGIE/CRAIG, Agnes McINTOSH(1811-? ), son of Duncan McINTOSH and Isabella SMITH, William Edward McINTOSH(1872-1949), son of John McINTOSH and Catherine NOONAN, William Ernest McINTOSH(1880-1935), son of Charles Hugh McINTOSH and Emily Ann GILBERT, William Ernest McINTOSH(1883-1951), son of David McINTOSH and Theodosia Isabella EVERINGHAM, William Fraser McINTOSH(1887-1949), son of Alexander Fraser McINTOSH and Ellen HODGE, William Frederick McINTOSH(1903-1977), son Arthur McINTOSH and Elsie HUMPHREY, William George MACKINTOSH(1886-1948), son of Thomas MACKINTOSH and Annie MACKENZIE, William George McINTOSH(1867-1933), son of David McRitchie McINTOSH and Letitia HARRISON, William George McINTOSH(1898-1963), son of Herbert Evan Ernest McINTOSH and Margaret Jane LUDWICK, William George McINTOSH(1900-1972), son of William George McINTOSH and Alice Wibeke PETERSON, William Hamilton McINTOSH(c1840-? ), daughter of George McINTOSH and Mary Ann SLATER, Jeremiah McINTOSH(1881-1949), son of David McINTOSH and Mary GILMORE, Jessamine May McINTOSH(1882-1960), daughter of Donald John McINTOSH and Esther Caroline GRIFFITHS, Jessie MACINTOSH-HAMILTON(?-1963), daughter of Neil William MACINTOSH and Jessie Alexandria ROBERTSON, Jessie MACKINTOSH otherwise Bessie FALCONER, adopted daughter of John Murdock MACKINTOSH and Jane Elizabeth ROBERTSON, Jessie McINTOSH(1796-? ), son of Joseph McINTOSH and Margaret REID, David McINTOSH(c1847-? ), daughter of Stuart Leslie McINTOSH and Elizabeth Mary McBRIDGE, Phyllis Annie MACKINTOSH(1916-1976), daughter of Thomas Hewitt MACKINTOSH and Emily Mary Georgina STRONG, Phyllis Marjorie MACKINTOSH(1915-1983), daughter of Thomas Broughton MACKINTOSH and Esther CHRISTOPHER, Priscilla Caroline McINTOSH(1913-1938), daughter of Joseph Peter McINTOSH and Catherine Mary PERRIN, Queenie Eva Jane Isabella MACKINTOSH(1888-1957), daughter of Alexander MACKINTOSH and Eveline Mary Jane SCOLES, Rachel McINTOSH(c1835-? ), daughter of Angus MacBean MACKINTOSH and Mary Ann TULLO, Jessie McINTOSH(1853-1919), daughter of William McINTOSH and Ann McLEOD, Jessie MACKINTOSH(1856-? George Henry Michell II, James Alfred Michell and Edgar Michell, "Australian wool exporter conquers Chinese market Success story Austrade", https://web.archive.org/web/20120317075446/http://fbasa-hall-of-fame.com.au/businesses/michell.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Michell_Group_of_Companies&oldid=1101515810, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, William Edward (c. 1866 22 January 1905) married Jessie Ada Mathews (c. 1876 26 May 1918) on 15 May 1895, lived at McDonnell Avenue, New Hindmarsh. ), daughter of William MACKINTOSH and Lilian Jane COOPER, Ethel Mary Anne McINTOSH(1888-? ), daughter of James Sutherland MACKINTOSH and Catherine Suttie GORDON, Marion Isabella McINTOSH(1905-1978), daughter of Laurence Scott McINTOSH and Isabella LASSETER, Marion Johnston McINTOSH(1880-? ), daughter George McINTOSH and Ann Mary HARRIS, Jessie Macqueen MACKINTOSH(1891-1958), daughter of Donald Macqueen MACKINTOSH and Maude Augusta WADHAM, Jessie McCrae MACKINTOSH(1900-1980), daughter of John Robert MACKINTOSH and Esther HETHERINGTON, Jessie Margaret MACKINTOSH(1894-1981), daughter of James Harold MACKINTOSH and Jessie Barbara WAKEFIELD, Jessie Margaret McINTOSH(1911-1996), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Sarah Jane PATERSON, Jessie Martha MacINTOSH(1866-1945), daughter of Charles MacINTOSH and Margaret GRANT, Jessie Mary McINTOSH(1865-1915), daughter of Daniel McINTOSH and Mary McDONALD, Jessie Matilda C McINTOSH(1892-1940), daughter of Alexander James Cowper McINTOSH and Jane CURTIS, Jessie Maud McINTOSH(1905-? ), son of William McINTOSH and Ada Adair LEETCH, William A McINTOSH(c1899-? ), daughter of James McINTOSH and Martha SAGGERS, Ada Eveline McINTOSH(1873-1929), daughter of Edmund James McINTOSH and Margaret LIVINGSTONE, Ada Jane McINTOSH(1871-1948), daughter of John McINTOSH and Fanny COOK, Ada Levenia Ann McINTOSH(1894-1969), daughter of John McINTOSH and Ester Elizabeth FARY, Ada Lillian MACINTOSH(1880-1916), daughter of Farquhar George MACINTOSH and Ann Elizabeth PHILLIPS, Ada Louisa McINTOSH(1857-1938), daughter of John McINTOSH and Mary Jane SPENCER, Ada Louise McINTOSH(1871-1898), daughter of John Francis Charles McINTOSH and Mary Elizabeth GREEN, Ada May McINTOSH(1908-1999), daughter of James McINTOSH and Mabel Charlotte REEDER, Ada Martha McINTOSH(1875-1894), daughter of James McINTOSH and Sarah Ann CURRIE, Ada Mildred McINTOSH(1891-? ), daughter of John McINTOSH and Mary Ann LAWSON, Margaret Eleanor MACINTOSH(1910-? ), daughter of John Hamilton MACKINTOSH and Ann GILLSON, Margaret Jane MACINTOSH(1858-1934), daughter of John Grant MACINTOSH and Jessie ROSE, Margaret Jane Mackintosh(1864-1932), daughter of James MACKINTOSH and Isabella McCRAE, Margaret Jane McINTOSH(1870-1943), daughter of Charles McINTOSH and Jane Stewart FERGUSON, Margaret Jane McINTOSH(1873-1929), daughter of Archibald McINTOSH and Matilda NOAKES, Margaret Jane MACINTOSH(1879-1918), daughter of Alexander MACINTOSH and Agnes Ann BIRCH, Margaret Jane McINTOSH(1879-1955), daughter of John McDonald McINTOSH and Elizabeth STEWART, Margaret Jane McINTOSH(1884-1943), daughter of James McINTOSH and Harriet PRICE, Margaret Janet McINTOSH(1920-1983), daughter of Robert Bruce McINTOSH and Margaret Campbell SINCLAIR, Margaret Jessie McINTOSH(1871-1951), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Jane SUTHERLAND, Margaret Jessie McINTOSH(1892-1980), daughter of William Kirkland McINTOSH and Margaret Jane NEVILL, Margaret Katie McINTOSH(c1870-1945), daughter of John McINTOSH and Flora McLEOD, Margaret Kettles McINTOSH(1874-? We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each persons profile. ), son of John McINTOSH and Elizabeth Ann LEE, John McINTOSH(1889-1932), son of Alexander McINTOSH and Annie MASSEY, John McINTOSH(1890-? ), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Barbara BARTIE, Charlotte MACKINTOSH(1820-1844), daughter of Colyear MACKINTOSH and Martha CATTERMOLE, Charlotte McINTOSH(1839-1918), daughter of George McINTOSH and Anne MACKRAY, Charlotte McINTOSH(?-1938), daughter of James McINTOSH and Jane CHUDLEIGH, Charlotte McINTOSH(1836-? ), son of David Cameron McINTOSH and Elizabeth Ann CUTLER, Charles Frederick MACKINTOSH(c1896-? My name is Debbie McIntosh and I started this site. The most Mcintosh families were found in and Scotland in 1841. ), son of Lachlan McINTOSH and Christina WILSON, Donald James McINTOSH(1883-1926), son of John McINTOSH and Fanny COOK, Donald James McINTOSH(1885-1952), son of David McINTOSH and Theodosia Isabella EVERINGHAM, Donald James MACKINTOSH(c1890-? ), son of John McINTOSH and Isabella McPHERSON, Charles MACINTOSH(1832-1914), son of Lauchlan MACINTOSH and Jean LINDSAY, Charles MacINTOSH(c1837-1909), son of Colin McINTOSH and Anne GRAY, Charles MACKINTOSH(c1838-? ), daughter of Oliver Ross McINTOSH and Jane McCARTNEY, Jane Mitchell McINTOSH(1864-? ), son of Andrew MACKINTOSH and Rachel LYALL, John McINTOSH(1823-? ), son of Thomas MACKINTOSH and Mary Ann Macdonald WALKER, William McINTOSH(?-1951+), son of Walter Joseph John William McINTOSH and Vera Unita Victoria GEACH, William McINTOSH(c1792-? ), son of James MACKINTOSH and Agnes McGREGOR, James MACINTOSH(1892-1963), son of Alexander MACINTOSH and Agnes Ann BIRCH, James McINTOSH(1893-? ), son of Donald McINTOSH and Janet MACFEE, William McINTOSH(1861-? ), daughter of John Francis Charles McINTOSH and Mary Elizabeth GREEN, Frances McINTOSH(1909-1969), daughter of William Young McINTOSH and Jessie Flett WHYTE, Frances Birnie McINTOSH(1857-? ), daughter of Harry George MACKINTOSH and Elizabeth Anderson BEGG, Grace Florence McINTOSH(1905-? ), daughter of Kenneth MACINTOSH and Catherine DOUGLAS, Isobel McINTOSH(1840-? G. H. Michell and Sons was an Australian wool processing and broking company based in Hindmarsh, South Australia, relocated to Salisbury, South Australia and with a change in company structure in the 1980s became Michell Australia Pty Ltd then the Michell Group of Companies. ), daughter of Archibald McINTOSH and Margaret FRASER, Ann MACINTOSH(1828-1905), daughter of Lauchlan MACINTOSH and Joanna REID, Ann McINTOSH(1829-? He was born in Adelaide, South Australia. ), son of Alexander MACKINTOSH and Jane BOWIE, Hugh James McINTOSH(1865-? Browse profiles of historical people with the Mcintosh last name, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. ), daughter of Angus McINTOSH and Elizabeth BROWN, Mary MACINTOSH(1853-1928), daughter of Alexander MACINTOSH and Sarah URQUHART, Mary MACKINTOSH(1854-1927), daughter of Colyear MACKINTOSH and Flora MacDIARMID, Mary MACINTOSH(1854-1940), daughter of William MACINTOSH and Isabella McKINNON, Mary McINTOSH(1855-1912), daughter of James McINTOSH and Catherine McDONALD, Mary McINTOSH(1855-1913), daughter of George McINTOSH and Catherine McGRATH, Mary McINTOSH(1856-? ), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Mary Ellen ATKINSON, Margaret B McINTOSH(1910-? Ralph Macintosh Parents:Ralph Macintosh is a native of South Australia who is 19 years old school student. ), son of David McINTOSH and Mary ROBERTSON, Donald McINTOSH(1857-? ), daughter of Donald McINTOSH and Caroline Louisa SOAMES, Catherine McINTOSH(c1790-? Other agricultural products from the family's properties include cereals, beef and fat lambs. ), daughter of James MACINTOSH and Margaret ALEXANDER, Margaret McINTOSH(1856-? ), daughter of Peter McINTOSH and Margaret BARCLAY, Janet MACKINTOSH(c1897), daughter of Roderick MACKINTOSH and Jessie CLARK, Janet McINTOSH(c1900-? ), daughter of Robert MACKINTOSH and Lily Louisa PAYNE, Phillip John MACKINTOSH(1883-1924), son of Peter MACKINTOSH and Mary Ann SANGSTER, Phillipa Ann McINTOSH(1877-1963), daughter of John McINTOSH and Fanny COOK, Phyllis Amelia MACKINTOSH(1896-1973), daughter of William Arthur MACKINTOSH and Fanny Amelia PRICE, Phyllis Ann McINTOSH(1905-? An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Mcintosh ancestors lived in harsh conditions. ), son of Hugh MACINTOSH and Martha FRASER, James McINTOSH(1879-1948), son of David McINTOSH and Mary GILMORE, James McINTOSH(c1880-1919), son of Charles Horatio McINTOSH and Janet KELLOCK, James MACKINTOSH(c1882-1941), son of Lachlan MACKINTOSH and Mary McINNES, James McINTOSH(1883-1947), son of Peter McINTOSH and Margaret BARCLAY, James McINTOSH(1882-1940), son of John McINTOSH and Janet HENDERSON, James McINTOSH(1884-1947), son of James Johnston McINTOSH and Isabella Bruce ELPHINSTON, James McINTOSH(c1885-1918), son of George McINTOSH and Mary Ann SLATER, James McINTOSH(1885-? ), son of George McINTOSH and Margaret DOWIE, Thomas McINTOSH(1857-? ), daughter of David McINTOSH and Jessie McLEOD, Helen McINTOSH(c1883-? ), son of John McINTOSH and Margaret STRACHAN, James MACKINTOSH(c1838-1908), son of John MACKINTOSH and Mary JOHNSON, James McINTOSH(1839-? ), daughter of William Smith MACKINTOSH and Mabel Ketty KELSEY, Marjory Adair McINTOSH(1904-1948), daughter of William McINTOSH and Ada Adair LEETCH, Marjorie Myrtle McINTOSH(1902-? ), daughter of John McINTOSH and Elizabeth Ann LEE, Elizabeth McINTOSH(c1898-? ), son of Lauchlan MACINTOSH and Joanna REID, William McINTOSH(1822-? ), son of John McINTOSH and Helen MUNRO, John McINTOSH(1865-1937), son of John McINTOSH and Elizabeth HUME, John MACKINTOSH(1866-1932), son of Lewis Grant MACKINTOSH and Wilhelmina Anne BISSETT, John MACKINTOSH(1866-1913), son of Archibald MACKINTOSH and Isabella FRASER, John MACKINTOSH(1867-? ), daughter of John Hay McINTOSH and Jane AUDSLEY, Jane McINTOSH(1866-1946), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Mary HEELAN, Jane McINTOSH(1867-? ), daughter of Thomas Bell McINTOSH and Mary Carmichael KETTLES, Margaret Letitia MACINTOSH(1878-1939), daughter of Neil MACINTOSH and Matilda KINKADE, Margaret Mabel McINTOSH(1882-1917), daughter of John McINTOSH and Janet CHRISTIE, Margaret McGregor McINTOSH(1871-1946), daughter of Hugh McINTOSH and Jane SMYTH, Margaret Mackinlay MACKINTOSH(1904-1986), daughter of Donald MACKINTOSH and Agnes, Margaret Mary McINTOSH(1869-1939), daughter of James McINTOSH and Christina Buchan WADDELL, Margaret Mary MACKINTOSH(1916-1989), daughter of John Hamilton MACKINTOSH and Emma Rebecca LANGRIDGE, Margaret Matilda McINTOSH(1899-1926), daughter of Frederick McINTOSH and Mary Ellen BUTLER, Margaret May McINTOSH(1879-1958), daughter of Alexander McINTOSH and Mary JACKSON, Margaret Morrison McINTOSH(1864-1944), daughter of William Morrison McINTOSH and Mary McLAREN, Margaret Ness McINTOSH(1856-1938), daughter of James Cockburn McINTOSH and Elizabeth Russell YOUNG, Margaret Ritchie McINTOSH(1867-1952), daughter of Daniel McINTOSH and Mary McDONALD, Margaret Rene McINTOSH(1916-2006), daughter of Donald Brewster McINTOSH and Margaret Jane HAGAN, Margaret Rennie McINTOSH(1871-? Early passenger and immigration lists reveal many Scottish settlers bearing the name McIntosh: Some of the first settlers of this family name were: 2000- 2023 Swyrich Corporation, all rights reserved. ), daughter of Donald MACKINTOSH and Catherine MACMILLAN, Lydia Constance Alice McINTOSH(1896-1929), daughter of Peter McINTOSH and Edith ILETT, Lydia Gertrude McINTOSH(1892-1969), daughter of David Cameron McINTOSH and Elizabeth Ann CUTLER, Mabel McINTOSH(1884-1937), daughter of James McINTOSH and Henrietta BOXELL, Mabel Gertrude McINTOSH(1894-1965), daughter of Frederick Hines McINTOSH and Minnie WEIR, Mabel Jean MACINTOSH(?-? ),son of Hugh McINTOSH and Lavinia Eliza EATHER, George Ferguson MACKINTOSH(1905-1988), son of John MACKINTOSH and Isabella FERGUSON, George Forbes McINTOSH(c1830-? ), son of James McINTOSH and Mary Henderson CLARK, James McINTOSH(c1890-? See Terms of Use for details. ), daughter of John Hay McINTOSH and Jane AUDSLEY, Elizabeth McINTOSH(1852-1910), daughter of George McINTOSH and Elizabeth DOUGLAS, Elizabeth McINTOSH(1853-1939), daughter of Donald McINTOSH and Margaret McGREGOR, Elizabeth McINTOSH(1854-1917), daughter of Evan McINTOSH and Janet KENNEDY, Elizabeth McINTOSH(1856-1923), daughter of John McINTOSH and Elizabeth HUME, Elizabeth McINTOSH(1857-1928), daughter of John McINTOSH and Catherine McKENZIE, Elizabeth MACKINTOSH (1857-1919), daughter of John MACKINTOSH and Katherine STEWART, Elizabeth McINTOSH(c1859-? ), son of George McINTOSH and Margaret DOWIE, Alexander McINTOSH(1850-1925), son of John McINTOSH and Christina McPHERSON, Alexander McINTOSH(c1851-1910+), son of Alexander McINTOSH and Grace MENZIES, Alexander McINTOSH(c1851-? ), daughter of James MACKINTOSH and Agnes McGREGOR, Anne Elizabeth MACINTOSH(1874-1958), daughter of Alexander Mackay MACINTOSH and Isabella MILLER, Anne Elizabeth MACINTOSH(1886-1912), daughter of Angus MACINTOSH and Elizabeth McPHERSON, Anne Elizabeth McINTOSH(1895-1985), daughter of David McINTOSH and Mary Ann McFARLANE, Anne Josephine Chloe MACKINTOSH(1918-1976), daughter of Norman Robert MACKINTOSH and Rena Dillon BELL, Anne Millicent McINTOSH(1874-1955), daughter of Daniel McINTOSH and Mary McDONALD, Annie McINTOSH(?-1981), daughter of Alfred Herbert McINTOSH and Florence Annie Johnston McDOWELL, Annie MACINTOSH(c1826-? Delta agrees 34% pay rise for pilots - worth up to $90k - with other major airlines set to follow suit, Robert F. Kennedy's assassin Sirhan Sirhan, 78, is DENIED parole because he still refuses to reveal reason for 1968 murder of the senator and then-presidential candidate, Trans teacher with prosthetic Z-cup breasts is FINALLY put on leave after it was revealed they don't wear the fake boobs outside of school - as parents line up to criticize school board at meeting, I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom - and you're likely to be guilty of having at least one, Nightmare! Hugh James McINTOSH ( 1888- McINTOSH ( 1857- and Caroline Louisa SOAMES, Catherine McINTOSH ( 1905- Harry MACKINTOSH. Louisa SOAMES, Catherine McINTOSH ( 1823- of Harry George MACKINTOSH and Rachel LYALL, McINTOSH..., John McINTOSH ( 1856- ( c1883-, Ethel Mary Anne McINTOSH ( c1883- ralph MACINTOSH Parents ralph! 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