When it comes to demolding the cast, you need to wait a couple of hours before you demold. Hydrocal provides twice the compressive strength of plaster and is ideal for thin and delicate sections where high green strength is needed. Stir the plaster of Paris and water mixture slowly until it forms an even and smooth consistency. It is easy to mix plaster of Paris, but there are vital steps that you need to consider so that you can have a solid and durable sculpture. again about $4 for a bag of woodland scenics ballast what about just some dirt from outside? I wanted its superior strength. Tom View my layout photos! So many choices but so little time. I stopped using much plaster cloth after I discovered foam scenery. Trains. Smooth out any bubbles that you can find using a skim coat of a watery mixture once it has completely dried. I will fill coffee cans and place in quart size plastic bags. The answer as to whether or not hydrocal is better than plaster of Paris depends on how you plan to use it. We have shared useful information regarding the composition of hydrocal and its uses. You can also add color to the plaster using poster paint or tempera. Hydrocal sets-up to rock-hardness, and in many cases, will support a person leaning on it to reach distant tracks. In this article, we will have an in-depth discussion about hydrocal. I know a lot of people have used plaster of Paris to make the rocks, but I don't know what plaster to water ratio to use. I use "concrete patch" at the head of the stairs, where one tends to handle the ledge roughly. The castings can set in about 15 to 20 minutes. I often do this even with closed cell foam just to make it a little more slippery. Ultracal is just plaster of paris (calcium sulfate Hemihydrate) with portland cement and crystalline silica added. Plaster of Paris is gypsum plaster that is made from a fine white powder that hardens when it is moistened and dried. While searching for a substitute for plaster of Paris, you might have come across hydrocal. Step 4: Mix the hydrocal. We have shared various methods that you can follow when making plaster at home. Next he uses a 50:50 mix of patching plaster and hydrocal (or Plaster of Paris) brush-applied to cheesecloth. Left it sitting on the edge of my work table. This website is strictly for entertainment purposes. This keeps a hard calcified layer from forming on the top. You'll also lose detail very quickly with plaster. These are some of the questions that we will talk about in this article. Order Ascending; Order Descending; willy6. On the other hand, it is not as durable as compared to ultracal. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic. Choose an ingredient that you are most comfortable working with. I have used over 400 pounds of Hyrdocal B-11, selected because of the longer set-up time allowing corrections, and hardness, on my home layout and the Glendale Model Railroad Club over a period of 25 years. They just re-package the same materials you can buy elseware in bulk. What has taken place.. you have removed the 'dryness' or 'surface tension' that is keeping the plaster from really getting in. Video Casting Hydrocal White into a Plaster Mold. You should use some kind of tiles regardless of the type of plaster, ceramic or glass tiles. Just pick up anything.. and tape it to your mold. Hydrocal is my preference for molded outcrops, since it is tough. We have shared helpful tips and ideas that you can refer to. You might be washing the dishes when all of a sudden brown water comes out of the faucet and makes you wonder what causes it. This creates uniform slurry. Step 3: Sift the hydrocal into the water slowly making sure that it is even. Thanks, Rich However, most sealers cause the plaster to have a sheen, do not take stains, and do not make the finished scenery any stronger or damage resistant. You can heat ultracal, but you need to follow heating instructions. Others are a mix of production offerings and ones created by myself or club members. Sounds to me like you are buying the WS pre-packaged Hydrocal. I usePofP now only for rock castings. It is also an extremely wear-resistant material. Just my 2 cents worth, I spent the rest on trains. Hydrocal FGR-95. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Then I apply small cloth strips over the 'high' area's of the mold. Member since January 2003; From: Ridgeville,South Carolina; 1,294 posts Hydrocal vs. Plaster of Paris. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic. As said, try to locate bulk bagged Hydrocal locate a building supplier that specializes in drywall/ plaster products. You can also check out this article that we have shared that discusses the difference between hydrocal and ultracal. Hydrocal is mainly composed of plaster of Paris and a small amount of Portland cement. I already had a two pound carton of Woodland Scenics Hydrocal Lite at $8.49. Step 1: Use portable water between 70 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If you use open cell foam (styrofoam) for a castform, you're going to bein trouble trying to free the cast from the form. Mabye in more humid climates though. Aside from that, the glue can also end up floating to the top of the mold. If I waited until the next day.. It's a slower method and takes longer to set up, but I like the results. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Ultracal is stringer and harder as compared to hydrocal. Plaster of Paris will soak up tablespoons of it, but hydro seems to turn its nose up and you will get a lighter tinting, instead. When formed under a template it is slightly on the . If you want the cast to be completely cured before you remove it from the mold, wait until it feels dry and warm. You need to mix the plaster carefully to avoid adding air. Scrape the excess plaster off with s metal straight edge to achieve a nice smooth back on the castings. I find that hydrocal is just a little lighter than plaster, but doesn't give you a really long 'working' time, at least in my California Basement (garage) layout. Hydrocal is a multi-purpose material that can be used for sculpture making as well as arts and crafts. You can check out the video below for the step-by-step tutorial. I use 2 parts plaster of paris to 1 part water. discusses what happens if plaster of Paris gets wet, discusses if plaster of Paris is flammable, how long does it take for hydrocal to cure, discusses how to make plaster of Paris stronger, discusses what the difference is between hydrocal and ultracal. So, the jury is still out on the subject for me. It is usually sold in 100# bags. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic. Pasted as rich text. Make sure that the hydrocal is completely dispersed in water before mixing. . We have also shared tips and ideas for both materials. I think Plaster is just fine I have used it before in high school for sculpture projects with no problems. To avoid splashing the mixture, use the stirring stick as a guide when pouring the hydrocal into the molds. | Guide for Beginners. I am happy with the detail.. and this is the best shot I can show you. Product Details. It discusses what ultracal is. Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org. The only place on my layout where I liked the results gained by using drywall mud was on a sloped embankment. Some LHS's carry these lines, others you have to mail order from. It is half the weight of hydrocal plaster and goes twice as far. thank you!! Lived in seven countries, now live in Sundown, Louisiana. Plaster molds can also be used to cast wax, if the mold is well-soaked beforehand. They use a two-part chemical resin that sets up very well but can actually be softened later with a hair dryer to allow the castings to be bent around curves later. Example: I had poured a tunnel portal using the dental plaster. When hardened, it will permit removal of molds with "undercuts" whereas plaster of paris will break off detail. can I get this stuff in bulk? Back in my hardshell days, I used tri-fold paper towels (10 bucks for a case, and I still haven'temptied the case), and patching plaster ($7 for a 20 pound bag, enough for a 10 x 20 layout). They I dont' think that is my approach. AS far as your question goes as far as detail.. well I used the WS paints .. and this is my first time at it. If you choked a Smurf what color would he turn? I believe these are offered commercialy now. It costs me about Cdn$19/bag, and I am on my third already doing hardshell. what is the difference between hydrocal and plaster of Paris. If you plan to use large amounts of the plaster, placing in a sealed 5 gal pail works also. These are gypsum cements and have different working properties than the plasters listed above. We will discuss these differences below as well as which of the two is stronger. My latex molds.. are very flexible.. and would suggest always to keep them out of the sun.. or light for that matter.. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. If you think you have it right, your standards are too low. While we strive to provide quality information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. To me plaster of paris is easier to work with and cheaper. They soak up moisture, float, and even grow mold in some enviroments. The first thing that you need to do is to prepare the mix. A higher drying temperature can be used without any difficulty using substantial free water in the mold. Take note that there is a difference between the setup time and the curing time. Mister Beasley "Can anyone comment on the relative ability of Hydrocal / Plaster of Paris / dental plaster for picking up fine details in the molds?" But it is awfully good for rock castings. But in answer to your question.. This material is specially designed for making thin sections. With the many plaster materials that are available on the market, it is vital that you know what you are working with. We have found out that hydrocal is stronger than plaster of Paris and can also take a lot of detail. It would do so after priming. you get far greater detail then you would by painting. what do they make the real out of? How do you prepare plaster of Paris? Ultracal is best used for splash-casting molds. What is hydrocal made of? Video What is Ultracal? This will prevent air bubbles and will also create a uniform and smooth surface. What is hydrocal? This just take 10 seconds to clean. Check out the article for more information about the topic. Make sure to touch every corner of the mold especially the ones that like to trap air bubbles. Display as a link instead, One advantage of premixed drywall mud is that is takes a day to set up and you can work it the next day. This is a basic mixing method that you can use regardless you are making plaster for mold or casting with plaster. You have reached the end of this article that discusses the difference between hydrocal and ultracal is. Hydrocal is also compatible with many color pigments. I used latex rubber bands to hold the mold around the flashlight. Hydrocal and ultracal are easy to use. Step 5: Pour the slurry carefully into the deepest area so that it evenly flows across the surface of the mold. Way stronger. 2. Of course, you want to immediately figure out what causes discoloration Building a house is rock solid. If you cannot wait that long, you can soak the mold in a bucket of soapy water for 24 hours. To use hydrocal, there are a few steps that you need to do which include preparing the mixture, measuring, soaking the mixture, mixing, pouring the mixture, and drying. Check out the article below to find out what the difference is between the two materials. #1 MOULDING PLASTER - Often referred to as "plaster of paris" or soft plaster. What is plaster of Paris? The fact of the matter is if one were to make identical castings out of both materials the weight difference is not all that much, both weigh a ton! Next, add the plaster of Paris to the water to the water by sifting the powder. Same here, and my basement is a haven for all types of arthropodsa good thing since it keeps the distaff upstairs most often. Leaving the shower curtain open or closed has long been a debate for a lot of people. Woodland Scenics materials are easy to buy, but very expenssive. and the numbers and prices.. $15.. $18 and $25. Be sure to elevate the cast off of the table to allow adequate air flow underneath, so that moisture can escape, and the cast can cure. The difference between hydrocal and plaster of Paris is that hydrocal is stronger. While we strive to provide quality information, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. I just buy the regular plaster of paris from wal-mart for about $3 for a 4 pound box. Allowing the first coat to dry overnight, two more coats one hour apart are enough to make a firm scenery base. I think the lightweight hydrocal "takes" the stain in and looks more realistic. Hydrocal is waterproof. Moreover, when making plaster casting, make sure that you use pure water. It has a much longer "open" working time to use for Roads, plaster soaked towels, hardshell over screen etc. Use a mixing container that can fit the amount of mixture that you will make. Leaving the shower curtain open or closed has long been a debate for a lot of people. We have also shared this article that discusses what hydrocal is made of. We have also shared this article that discusses what hydrocal is made of. The mixed consistency will vary depending on its use. Some say the difference is in the component while others say that there is no difference at all. Aside from that, you can easily purchase them at your local hardware store or even online. It is also more convenient that you clean as you go because it makes the process easier. I tried some WS lite weight hydrocal, but it was no better than PofP and cost WAY more. How Long Does it Take for Hydrocal to Cure? One of these days I will try using that same mold with Hydrocal for comparison. I can't give you statistics on this, but plaster of paris is a lot heavier than Hydrocal. However, you should take note of the differences between the two especially when it comes to the mixing and setting time. Are you happy with the results? It's the same stuff that is used to make casts for broken bones etc.and it works just fine. On ballast.. It is ideal that you wait at least a week. You can also check out this article that we have shared that discusses if boiling water kills mold. On the other hand, if you do not want the plaster to be a little wet so that you can easily clean it up after demolding, you can take it out as soon as it does not dent or get squished when you scrape it with a toothpick or a metal pin. They are all used for casting sculptures and making art objects and molds. The next step that you need to do is to measure the ingredients. Login, or register today to interact in our online community, comment on articles, receive our newsletter, Generally, the crystals form a structure in the plaster that provides it strength. I'd stick with the Hydrocal if I were you. You can also check out this article that we have shared that discusses what hydrocal is made of. You can also check out this article that we have shared titled, how long does it take for hydrocal to cure? It's natural tendency is to suck up stains or washes etc. We have shared tips and ideas that you can refer to. As compared to most plasters, hydrocal is stronger. Aside from that, it is also weatherproof and scratch-resistant. Bear in mind that mixing the plaster slurry is a vital step that should be properly done to create casts that have maximum strength and durability. the difference being is that plaster of paris is much more brittle then Hydrocal. There are three types of plaster which are the plaster of Paris, lime plaster, and cement plaster. It has a similar formula as hydrostone, duracal, and ultracal. Ultracal is specially designed for strength and casting detail. Hydrocal White is versatile gypsum cement that is an excellent choice for making solid and hollow castings. We hope to inspire you. In this dehydrated state, it can be used as an ingredient in plaster. You can check out the article for more information about the topic. Dental Stone is is also calcium sulfate Hemihydrate, but it is created at a higher temperature and under pressure. Those using plaster, could you please tell me the ratio you are using. How do you prepare hydrocal? It is specially designed for close-tolerance tooling because of its accuracy, hardness, and flexibility. Now all I do is, just paint a 1/4 thickness of plaster.. lay in a cloth strip and done. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic. Thank you for reading! Hydrocal is a bit expensive, but worth the cost, for water-proof, or rugged hands-on scenery. What is hydrocal? They are a popular choice because they are easy to use and are also flexible. In this article, we will discuss the difference between hydrocal and plaster of Paris. On the other hand, the Bragdon castings can be heated with a hair dryer and they will become flexible again, which is nice for fitting around irregular contours. You need to achieve a nice thick soupy consistency. Continue adding the powder while frequently tapping the sides of the container. As compared to ultracal, hydrocal is softer so you can be able to work on it longer. It is easy to do especially when you are working with small batches. There are ways to overcome this most common is spraying the hydrocal with a mist of wet water before staining. Then I knew.. This is the result of using a flashlight. They can be set at about 25 to 35 minutes. I use shellac for this purpose. The ratio is vital because it will affect the physical properties of the final cast piece. 'Surface Tension' yes.. that is what is keeping the plaster really getting into and adhering to the mold. You can buy the rolls of 'plaster wrap' much cheaper in bulk from a medical supply house as other have mentioned. Moreover, take note that when you use more plaster in the plaster mix, it can create harder molds. I have been using Hydrocal to make rocks out of my Woodland Scenic rubber molds, but it gets expensive after a while. I have made a lot of rock castings with this mix and have had good results with this mix. You can check your local hardware supply for hydrocal. The lime plaster is made from calcium hydroxide and sand, while the cement plaster is made from combining plaster, water, sand, and Portland cement. Bear in mind that the more you mix, the faster the plaster will set up. Sorry for the poor picture quality but the reddish color of Pa. Stone is not really well represented by my poor photography. This allows for much better detail carving. wow, always a lot of info on this forum! UltraCal-30 is just plain old plaster of paris, with some portland cement, usually in a 8:1 ratio, so you can make your own from a trip to the local hardware store. It should be dried quickly after missing so that maximum physical properties can be achieved. You can mechanically mix hydrocal by batch and continuous processes. Besides it has been used for years by model rail roaders, so my therey is if it aint broke dont fix it..Oh and plaster problems with bugs. Never had them in colorado. They are all used for casting sculptures and making art objects and molds. As a result, the ultracal hardens and slowly becomes hot and highly alkaline. I hadn't thought of the scouring of the surface to be redone, but I would expect that to be the method. Video Materials and Process: Plaster Casting. While hydrocal is easier to work with when it comes to posting casting projects, ultracal is more durable. We had the "pleasuer" of having Jeff Adam of Motrac Models as a club member. Hydrocal doesn't take paint easily. . In the video, how to mix and use ultracal is discussed. a 10 pound box of this hydrocal was I think 10 bucks..so 1 dollar a pound. but I dont think they are woodland scenics.but it seems to work fine. You should be fine. It is extremely non-chip, and molds well. Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to mix hydrocal. You have reached the end of this article that discusses the difference between hydrocal and plaster and Paris. Like Jeff, I also userigid closed cell insulation for cast forms. it seems to be just some very fine sand. Its stronger. For general wall and ceiling repair. This website is strictly for entertainment purposes. What is the difference with Plaste of paris? Mixing ultracal with water produces a chemical reaction. For my club we could never afford using those WS packages. Step 2: Weight the hydrocal and water at the required use consistency for each mix. Most of the time, we choose a material for the project that we are working thinking that it is an excellent choice, only to find out in the end that the material is not the correct one. I also use Gypsolite (LHS, same big jar) which has a nice gritty texture. It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. It is soft, even when cured and is not very strong. I wanted its superior strength. Plaster of Paris is best for patching holes in plaster walls, because its characteristics are more likely to match the wall material. Side note: I can even break this casting a bit.. remove certain areas.. it breaks nicely.. and the plaster cloth on the backholds everything together..so I can go back.. add plaster to the areas.. to seal them up.. and I guess its a mild re-glueing with plaster. Follow the instructions on the label on how to mix the hydrocal. We have also shared tips and ideas for using hydrocal and plaster of Paris for your art or craft projects. With a mold and plaster mix, anyone can replicate sculptures from antiquity, the Renaissance, or more modern . The Sacrete liquid, and paint just doesn't work that well. If you are thinking about using either two for your craft or building project, but do not know which one to choose, you can check out this article below for helpful tips and information. Another material is a product that is called modrock which is coated with plaster and should be moistened before use. When the drywall mud shrank back on itself , I gained some erosion channels and short narrow ravines randomly along the embankment. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. link to Why is My Well Water Brown All of a Sudden? Wash the molds on the sink. As compared to most plasters, hydrocal is stronger. The answer as to whether or not hydrocal is better than plaster of Paris depends on how you plan to use it. What is the Difference between Hydrocal and Plaster of Paris? If you want to use sand, you will need something very fine and it must have no magnetic material in it(that stuff gets sucked up into you engine's motor). Regardless you are making a cast or a mold for your art project, we will discuss two of the common materials that you can use which are hydrocal and plaster of Paris. How do you prepare hydrocal? The longer you take to clean your latex mold.. the harder the plaster becomes.. and the harder to clean.. perhaps even damage to the latex mold when trying to remove the 'left-over'plaster bits. Out of my work table moisture, float, and paint just does n't work that well my already! You remove it from the mold an in-depth discussion about the topic shared an in-depth about... Is stronger are also flexible try using that same mold with hydrocal for comparison a mixing that. 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