Documents Code of Practice - Measures Necessary. 0000065442 00000 n It contains a Code of Practice for Diversionary Works. 3.(1)Where, because of major works initiated by an authority, an undertaker executes diversionary works, the authority shall pay to the undertaker. They are works carried out to repair or improve the highway including footways, pavements and street lighting. Date published: Most notably, Dave has played a central role in the delivering of the permit legislation, guidance and operational advice. endstream endobj 379 0 obj<>/Outlines 393 0 R/Metadata 366 0 R/AcroForm 381 0 R/JT 367 0 R/Pages 356 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/OpenAction 380 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 380 0 obj<> endobj 381 0 obj<>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 382 0 obj<> endobj 383 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 384 0 obj<> endobj 385 0 obj<> endobj 386 0 obj<> endobj 387 0 obj<> endobj 388 0 obj<>stream 2 0 obj and diversionary works are executed by an authority or the undertaker. Infrastructure is long-term. 0000001276 00000 n However, should emergency works be required, then (without impeding any immediate emergency action which the circumstances may require) the matter will be resolved in accordance with the Disputes and Arbitration Code of Practice. The transport authority's requirements can be incorporated into the works promoter's contract documents. 'Future of lane rental schemes for roadworks' consultation outcome published. NRSWA Code of Practice - "Measures necessary where apparatus is affected by major works (diversionary works)". Having provided such information, the Code then gives guidance on the planning of works to ensure that an optimum engineering solution is reached in which the total costs are minimised regardless of who pays. Invoices should be itemised as follows: (ii) Cost of Advertising in Local Paper; and. 9 0 obj Such an order is commonly known as a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO). Secretary of State for Transport as respects England and the Secretary of State for Wales as respects Wales, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 35C(3) and (4), 46A(3) and (4) and 124(1) of, and Part III of Schedule 9 to, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984(1) and by paragraphs 6(3) and 7(1) of Schedule 5 to the Local Government Act 1985(2) and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, and after consultation with representative organisations in accordance with section 134(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, All content is protected by copyright and/or database rights, Website Design & Development by Burnthebook. %PDF-1.6 % Fairer, Faster, Greener is the strapline and it sets out the Governments ambitions in driving investment and change within the UK. of the allowable costs of the diversionary works; (c)in all other cases, the allowable costs of the diversionary works. EH11 3XD. It is the first of its kind: rooted in the expert advice of the highly respected National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) and responding to its ground-breaking 2018 assessment of the countrys infrastructure needs. 6 0 obj No prior notice need be given but the undertaker must inform the road works authority as soon as practicable if a closure or restriction is considered necessary. It is our intention to conduct the review in a transparent and inclusive way, working with the devolved governments in delivering a framework for change balancing the needs of asset owners, authority project delivery and public purse burdens. Failure to do so is an offence. 378 0 obj <> endobj The road works authority is required to state in the notice: The road works authority is then required to inform the police, fire and ambulance service and any adjacent road works authority that may be affected. a debtor that is an authority which has paid a lump sum or instalments in accordance with paragraph (1) shall pay to the undertaker any balance of the estimate, together with any further sum equal to the amount by which the proportion of allowable costs to which the undertaker is entitled exceeds the estimate; the debtor in any other case shall pay to the creditor the sum owing. LSBUD will automatically add a buffer around your search area based on the selected Enquiry Type, Work Category and Work Type. This requires at least 7 days notice to be given for all works other than emergency and urgent works. This Strategy sets out the governments plans to deliver on this ambition. This "notice" cannot be extended. It is out of print and does not take cognisance of any new and emerging utilities and technologies. The Code of Practice entitled Measures Necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works) (1992) (ISBN 0-11-551149-0) is published by The Stationery Office and may be obtained from their bookshops or by mail, fax or telephone from PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN (Tel. E1lzb(Bn The most common automatically defined buffer is 25m. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. adequate space in the structure of the bridge; or. Code of practice for local authorities who have a duty to co-ordinate works in the highway, and for undertakers on how to co-operate in the process. of the allowable costs of the diversionary works; (b)in all other cases, a sum equal to 18 per cent. Original (As Enacted or Made): The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was enacted or made. by an undertaker for the purposes of any such person. If they take longer than this, the highway authority may impose an overrun charge, so utilities are incentivised to complete their works on time. 5.(1)This regulation applies where major works are initiated, (a)by an authority on behalf of another person or by an authority other than in its capacity as such; or. 0000064824 00000 n It is clear this is a sizeable task and completion may be 18 months in terms of an agreed document. The HAUC(UK) APP: the latest safety information in your pocket, HAUC(UK) Working Group - Diversionary Works, This group support and monitors the close co-operation and co-ordination between the promoting authority and undertaker through the provisions of the Diversionary Works Code, Infrastructure is the backbone of the economy vital to jobs, economic growth, and quality of life for people across the UK. (iv) In cases where diversionary works are involved, all relevant authorities and undertakers must comply with the requirements of the Code of Practice for Measures Necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works) and HAUC (UK) Advice Note No 2010/1 Diversionary Works. ZU!8nNV!'qRS;+e{U!! 0000065147 00000 n <> For these objectives to be achieved, there must be close co-operation and co-ordination between the promoting authority and undertaker and the need for this underpins all of the provisions of the Code. 11.10.1 Under section 128, those carrying out works must ensure that the owners of apparatus belonging to others are able to monitor the works and that requirements to take reasonable steps to protect the apparatus are followed. of the allowable costs of the diversionary works. 8.(1)For the purposes of regulation 3(1)(a) and (b) (including those provisions as applied by regulation 5) the authority may pay to the undertaker a sum equal to 75 per cent. of the allowable costs (as defined in regulation 2(2)) of those diversionary works, provided that 75 per cent. 11.4.1 Undertakers are under an obligation under section 140 of NRSWA to maintain their apparatus in the road to the reasonable satisfaction of the road works authority, having regard to the safety and convenience of traffic and the structure of the road and the integrity of apparatus in it. The Diversionary Works Code provides information on the needs of the various undertakers and promoting authorities when confronted with the possibility of having to divert or take some other action in regard to undertakers' apparatus. 0000064399 00000 n Infrastructure underpins the economy. The fourth edition of the code came into force on 1 October 2012, replacing the version published in August 2009. stream This Code of Practice is intended to help road works authorities carry out their duty to co-ordinate works in the road under section 118 of NRSWA, and undertakers to fulfil their duty to co-operate in this process under section 119 of NRSWA. This item of legislation is currently only available in its original format. The National Infrastructure Strategy was delivered in an HM Treasury Report in November 2020 and it sets out the governments intentions for the UK. Sites with alternate one-way vehicular flows are referred to as shuttle working. The National Infrastructure Strategy was delivered in an HM Treasury Report in November 2020 and it sets out the governments intentions for the UK. %%EOF 1991 c. 22. of the estimate of 82 per cent. costs incurred in preparing the initial set of plans and estimates in relation to those diversionary works (but not in preparing any further plans and estimates which the authority may require); where the major works are major transport works (other than major bridge works or section 86(3) (a) to (g) works) and payment is made in accordance with regulation 8(1), a sum equal to 92.5 per cent. <> endobj The current Code aims to stimulate thinking by all concerned to explore alternatives to diversion, and where diversion has to take place, to ensure that it is done in a disciplined way. 0000065742 00000 n . 0000065009 00000 n 0000005634 00000 n Even within diversionary works subject to NRSWA, it is not the case that cost sharing applies in all situations. 0000066047 00000 n The Street Works Inspector/ NRSWA Inspector will be carrying out systematic and ad hoc site inspections, investigations and surveys of street works, road works and highway licences in relation to the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) and all other associated regulations and codes of practice relevant to highways legislation. This Code is approved by the Department to give practical advice where an undertakers apparatus in a street is or may be affected by major road works, bridge works or transport works. 11.4.6 It is important that only the responsible undertaker, or a specialist contractor working on their behalf, investigates suspected damaged or defective Undertaker's apparatus. 11.3.7 Closures or restrictions provided by the above are only in force when the appropriate signs are maintained in place. Currently there are 6 Codes all related to the 1995 Order. 0000066197 00000 n If you submit a search and receive a request for payment there is no obligation to pay for it, however until the payment for the enquiry has been made you will not receive the requested asset information (plans). 11.3 Road Closures and Traffic Restrictions. National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) - trade association representing utilities companies and contractors on street work issues. Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: Use this menu to access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. This is important in order to avoid damage to underground apparatus and to comply with current Health and Safety Executive requirements, in particular HSG47 Avoiding Danger from Underground Services. endobj Details of the procedure can be found in the Code of Practice: Measures Necessary Where Apparatus is Affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works) and HAUC(UK) Advice Note No 2010/1 Diversionary Works. Where diversionary works are executed by an undertaker because of major works initiated by an authority, the authority shall pay 82 per cent. bSBX)eOA,{ Neos Networks will respond one of two ways: Depending on the complexity of your scheme, we aim to provide a response to initial enquiries (C2) within 10 working days, budget estimates (C3) within 20 working days and detailed estimates (C4) within 25 working days. 11.3.2 Where the road works authority is satisfied that there is a likelihood of danger to the public or serious damage to the road (e.g. 11.3.10 Undertakers are required by section 125 of NRSWA to carry on and complete their works "with all such despatch as is reasonably practicable" and road works authorities may require unreasonably lengthy obstructions to be mitigated or discontinued. We warming welcome anyone who has an interest in getting involved in the taskforce. But infrastructure investment also has an important short-term role to help support jobs and stimulate the economy. 11.1.1 It is important that adequate information is provided to all concerned about the location and nature of all relevant apparatus. An Act to make new provision in place of sections 14 and 15 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984; and for connected purposes. 0000064961 00000 n %PDF-1.5 David Capon is the JAG(UK) Manager and has worked extensively with the JAG(UK) community in delivering improved communications, management of the network and local knowledge and expertise. Timescales for responses at each stage are also set out in the Code. HVrH}+Q2B][qbID$o{f$TJ#M>}{l=nVWus@@w-o Q[ pmy/!W.']*QZ{n{-v. 0000066622 00000 n (a)where the major works are major transport works (other than major bridge works or section 86(3) (a) to (g) works) and payment is made in accordance with regulation 8(1), a sum equal to 92.5 per cent. 5 0 obj 0000066531 00000 n These include but are not limited to: 11.6.2 All of these documents together with all current legislation, Codes of Practice, RAUC(S) Advice Notes, HAUC(UK) Advices Notes applicable in Scotland and Commissioner Advice Papers are available on the Commissioner's website at Full supporting information must also be supplied. DMRB: Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. Currently there are 6 Codes all related to the 1995 Order. We follow the process set out in the New Roads & Streetworks Act 1991 (NRSWA) and its code of practice. Street works and road works information for local authorities and statutory undertakers carrying out work on or under the street. 7.(1)In a case where, under these Regulations, an undertaker is liable to make a payment to an authority or an authority is liable to make a payment to an undertaker in relation to diversionary works there shall be taken into account in favour of the authority. He works hard to support members authorities by: attending regular national, regional and local meetings, providing an on-line library of existing legislation, regulations, procedures and guidance for authorities and their officers, acting as an online advisory service and providing prompt guidance on emerging issues and delivering a focused approach as part of the GeoPlace/Local Government Association family. of the allowable costs of the diversionary works; in other cases where payment is made in accordance with regulation 8(1), a sum equal to 82 per cent. All 'C' numbered references in the text of this note refer to . 11.6.1 There are other publications which provide useful advice regarding the management of works in roads and which should also be taken into consideration when planning, co-ordinating and executing works. Diversionary Works Advice Note No. Complete by October 2021, Our Diversionary Works Groups is co chaired with one representative from SWUK and one from JAGUK. 6.2 Substantial Works for Road Purposes - Definition 6.3 Restriction Notices 6.4 Exemptions 6.5 Severable Works 6.6 Policy Guidance 6.7 Early Starts 6.8 Road Works Authority Consent to Works on Roads with Restrictions . An undertaker is not liable for allowable costs in relation to providing space in or strengthening of a bridge to accommodate his apparatus (regulation 6(1)) and cannot recover his costs where he has placed his apparatus in the street after the authority has given him statutory notice of its intention to carry out major works: regulation 6(3). A code of practice, Measures necessary where apparatus is affected by major works (diversionary works), can be bought from TSO. Fairer, Faster, Greener is the strapline and it sets out the Governments ambitions in driving investment and change within the UK.Infrastructure underpins the economy. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. 11.3.12 General Direction 53 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 states that portable light signals may be placed for the control of vehicular traffic only if permission is given in writing by the roads authority, or orally in an urgent situation if followed by written confirmation. any sum recoverable from any person for whose purposes the diversionary works are executed, irrespective of whether or not such a sum is actually recovered from that person; any sum which would have been recoverable from such a person were that person not the authority. It must be signed and guarded appropriately. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. National Code of Practice providing local highway authorities with guidance and recommendations on good practice. Diversionary works include the removal, alteration and protection of . 1.1 Revision of the Diversionary Works Code of Practice, 'Measures necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works)', published in 1992, has been "on hold" for some time awaiting a decision by the Department for Transport on whether the current legal ruling on the issue of charging for estimates reflects the Such a road must also be included in the local street gazetteer, which amongst other things (see paragraph 3.2) will be expected to identify the following: (iii) private roads that have public rights of way or passage of which the roads authority has knowledge, together with details of the road manager where that is known. 0000066378 00000 n 0000002781 00000 n 0000064253 00000 n For initial enquiries (C2's) please register your search at: The government wants to deliver an infrastructure revolution: a radical improvement in the quality of the UKs infrastructure to help level up the country, strengthen the Union, and put the UK on the path to net zero emissions by 2050. 0000003890 00000 n or 92.5 per cent. endobj Developer Interface Teamour You have accepted additional cookies. 0000065255 00000 n in a single lump sum before the diversionary works begin; or. xref ff~;q:gWOs] kNvd:J[Y;thvEoe8=B'?u! 5 2010/1 (Advice Note No 2010 01). In appendix C2 of 'Measures necessary where apparatus is affected by Major works (diversionary works)' Code of practice that accompanies . :ky`xN Db6ae?mz| fa$Xi5NHmlt5Va,lx^"IjY(}%ch}}^'fF|}^OZU?nUm@T`A2m@#\`,f$UuY2dj::cs_ hJ Broomhouse Drive The road works authority will then confirm whether a notice will be made. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. 11.3.3 The works promoter must give a notice in advance as required by road works authorities to make a "notice" for works that may not last longer than 5 working days. 11.11.2 An undertaker considering burying plant and apparatus that is currently above ground should contact any other undertaker with similar apparatus in that road to see whether it wishes to share the underground facility. the Act means the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991; authority means a highway, bridge or transport authority; the Code means the Code of Practice entitled Measures Necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works) dated June 1992, and approved by the Secretary of State on 30th June 1992, as revised and re-issued from time to time; diversionary works means measures needing to be taken in relation to an undertakers apparatus in a street in consequence of major works or in order to facilitate their execution; major works means major highway works, major bridge works or major transport works; section 86(3) (a) to (g) works means major transport works which are or would, if executed by a highway authority, be major highway works described in any of paragraphs (a) to (g) of section 86(3) of the Act. You have rejected additional cookies. When you submit your search, if the response is affected, indicating we have assets in your search area, you will be sent an email with a PayPal online payment link. NRSWA: National Codes (Reinstatement Specification, Co-ordination, Inspections, Signing and Guarding and Diversionary Works). Latest Available (revised):The latest available updated version of the legislation incorporating changes made by subsequent legislation and applied by our editorial team. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Measures necessary where apparatus is affected by major works (diversionary works), How to reinstate a road after doing street works, Street works permit schemes: evaluation of effectiveness, The impact of street works lane rental charges, code of practice for the co-ordination of street works and works for road purposes and related matters, Higher charges for street works that overrun, Qualification requirements for people working on street works. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> provided for by the 1992 Regulations. Works (Diversionary Works): A Code of Practice 1992. This site additionally contains content derived from EUR-Lex, reused under the terms of the Commission Decision 2011/833/EU on the reuse of documents from the EU institutions. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. New Road and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) An Act to amend the law relating to roads so as to enable new roads to be provided by new means; to make new provision with respect to street works and, in Scotland, road works; and for connected purposes. 11.4 Maintenance of Undertakers' Apparatus. of the allowable costs of the diversionary works. oJ8w!h4a^L4.u;OOn._% a0-7Ka,O@~X %g (;#}3V%k{is&@gH;8W4;(vr#`e. Overrun of Temporary Emergency Notices and Temporary Long Duration Order. Codes of Practice 01 June 1992 Measures Necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works (Diversionary Works) Download document (s) Diversionary Works Advice Note 2010 679.97 KB Measures Necessary where Apparatus is affected by Major Works - June 1992 1.52 MB 11.5 Major Works for Road Purposes - Sharing of Costs. It is not available electronically. 11.4.7 Where the road works authority has opened the road or exposed an undertaker's apparatus in an emergency or in the circumstances described in paragraph 11.4.6, the undertaker will assist the road works authority by either jointly inspecting the problem to determine necessary remedial works or confirming approval for the road works authority to proceed. <> <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 10 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> (a)in the case of major works consisting of major bridge works comprising a replacement of the bridge, not more than 10 years; (b)in the case of any other major works, not more than 5 years. (b)if the authority and the undertaker so agree in the case of diversionary works of an estimated duration of more than three months, by instalments of such amounts, payable at such times during the execution of the diversionary works, as the authority and the undertaker agree. version of this document in a more accessible format, please email, Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Code of practice for the co-ordination of street works and works for road purposes and related matters, The Street Works (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2007, How to reinstate a road after doing street works, Street works permit schemes: evaluation of effectiveness. The "Red Book" is the Code of Practice to help you to safely carry out signing, lighting and guarding of street works and road works on all highways and roads, except motorways and any dual carriageways with a speed limit of 50 mph or more. 0000064677 00000 n 11.12.2 The Code of Practice for Penalties sets out the procedures to be used when road works authorities issue FPNs under NRSWA. If you are planning your own engineering works in the highway and would like to check what plant we have in your work area, you will be required to request a formal plant enquiry known as a C2 Initial Enquiry, the following information will guide you through this process. 11.1 Location of Works and Apparatus - Exchange of Information. There is provision as to the timing and manner of payment (regulation 8) and for exclusions (regulation 9). Well send you a link to a feedback form. This means if you make a subsequent search, you will not be charged for any previous unpaid searches if you choose to pay for the current search. All 'C' numbered references in the text of this note refer to . (a)costs incurred in preparing the initial set of plans and estimates in relation to those diversionary works (but not in preparing any further plans and estimates which the authority may require); (b)costs disallowed under regulation 6(3). Deferment of the Time for Renewal HAUC Advice Note No 2008/01 supersedes Appendix E in so far as it introduces a revised rate of interest (3.5%) to be used in the calculation. The Code therefore aims to stimulate thinking by all concerned to explore alternatives to diversion, and where diversion has to take place, to ensure that it is done in a disciplined way. 11.7 Working near Rail Tracks and Tramways. 0000006458 00000 n Copyright 2018 | Office of the Scottish Road Works Commissioner | All Rights Reserved. It is out of print and does not take cognisance of any new and emerging utilities and technologies. (4)In calculating the allowable costs for the purposes of regulations 3 and 4 as applied by this regulation there shall be taken into account in favour of the undertaker. 0000002892 00000 n 11.2.2 This Code applies to prospective public roads just as it does to public roads. 11.4.5 Where surface apparatus is found to be defective or the cause of significant surface irregularity, or where an unexplained subsidence or other disturbance of the road surface occurs, the procedures described in the Code of Practice for Inspections should be followed. x]o6KhC_@vmmp{a$Nf;p.9(Kb(:s(~_~s{;87wf_OO/~ZeoE&D^?2/evh=oo|0 e~#t?d:oLE^k/2m*/T8Wn}v:*o/p~4?o~llf'N7t[jO6R Diversionary works include the removal, alteration and protection of . Regulation 10 revokes the 1992 Regulations as respects England, provides that these Regulations apply where notice of intention to execute major works is given on or after 15th January 2001 and that the 1992 Regulations continue to apply where such notice is given before that date. Statutory undertakers include: Street works are necessary to provide and maintain utility and transport services, but can be disruptive to road users. (2)Paragraph (1) does not apply to the costs of. 0000064507 00000 n execution of road works, to co-operate with the road works authority and one another. Learn more Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) <> Dependent on the legislation item being viewed this may include: Click 'View More' or select 'More Resources' tab for additional information including: All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. 11.3.11 Section 135 of NRSWA allows for roads authorities to recover their reasonable costs in issuing temporary notices or making a TTRO. Completed in April 2021. Transport, digital, energy and utility networks are vital for jobs, businesses, and economic growth. 5 2010/1 ( advice note No 2010 01 ) stage are also set out in the taskforce just as does. Copyright 2018 | Office of the Scottish road works authority and one from JAGUK by October 2021, Our works... Apparatus - Exchange of information improve the highway including footways, pavements and street lighting Paragraph 1... The permit legislation, guidance and operational advice is currently only available in original. 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Authority and one another will take only 2 minutes to fill in is out of and... About the location and nature of all relevant apparatus Office of the bridge ; or Signing... Roadworks ' consultation outcome published include personal or financial information like your Insurance! National Codes ( Reinstatement Specification, Co-ordination, Inspections, Signing and Guarding and diversionary works Groups is chaired! Short-Term role to help us deliver content from their services Practice providing local highway authorities with and!

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