dana coverstone december prophecybilly burke healing services
Ultimate Clinical Potency Curcumin- Natural pain relief, reduce inflammation and so much more. Theyve accused him of being a false prophet and doing these dreams for money. || Leukaemia will destroy children who have not reached puberty, as well as old people whose sex force is spent. For several months, the front lines in Ukraine were relatively stable, and that was a good thing because it meant that both sides were less likely to make really desperate moves. Water will be contaminated at its source, because it will fall from radioactive clouds. But the encouragers just kept doing what they were doing in spite of the manifested anger of several people in the shelters. What happens when an asteroid strikes the earth? Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-2-22 The Sick Church of Jesus Christ, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-29-21: The Cryptic End-Times Prophecy of Ezekiel 31, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-12-22 The Prince of the Power of the Air, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-26-22: Globalist Multi-pronged Attack, Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 2-16-22 Part 2: The End-Times Cult of Catholicism. Dana Coverstone's "Data Dream," Joe Biden in Coffin 17 Dec 2020 - Hind site now 2020 (pun intended) [ link to www.youtube.com (secure) ] Last Edited by Nexus-9 on 11/09/2020 11:48 PM SEARCH: THE PROCESS OF NUCLEAR FISSIONnote. Orando centrados en Jehov | Daniel 9:1-19 | Luis Contreras. I heard Christians saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the winter and flight but they kept encouraging one another in their faith. Terrible situation, just like Pastor Dana Coverstone originally mentioned & spoke about in his Dreams /Visions First Post on Z 3 news..T.V. this was not a dream this was a vision I was watching I still believe with my wife and my son and his girlfriend and zoomed out it was almost like the camera zoomed back to me and I saw something I saw an elderly and an emaciated woman in a hospital bed she appeared rather weak . Pastor Dana Coverstone has been receiving a series of dreams from the Lord for the past 10 months. Please Help Support BeforeitsNews by trying our Natural Health Products below! trey smith prophethow often does louisville water company bill. Burning Incense March 25, 2021; This channel is the official YouTube page for the real Dana Coverstone. Breaking: Trump's Secret Operation Warp Speed Bombshell, Patriot Underground - Trump Remains Insulated! And I saw lots of people [], Towers, Trains and Chains Dream TRANSCRIPT July 12, 2021 I had this dream over several different nights: the 12th the 13th the 14th it started. I also saw the city of St. Louis and men under the Arch with suitcases who were getting into black SUVs and headed east and west from the Mississippi River. And I want to I want to make a real quick statement before I read through the dreamI just want to let you know that I believe this is a now dream. Those who refuse to get ready will be wanting in the end. - Patrick Humphrey News, East Palestine Update via The Real BPEarthWatch. They continue to pursue futile objectives and to seek pleasure. While it will be close to Earth, it will safely pass even thoughNASAis categorizing the asteroid as potentially []. There were headlines saying that the Baltic Dry Index [Global shipping of raw materials] was dead and that nothing was moving in trade around the world. Upon their composition depends the stability of the planet. Elijah was and is a man among us with a simple Message. WASHINGTON: Woman Reportedly to be Arrested Friday For Forced Tuberculosis Treatment, Florida State Senator Introduces Bill to Cancel States Democrat Party, After School Satan Club Coming to a Elementary School Near You, DEVELOPING: Man Arrested For Allegedly Placing Explosive Device in Checked Luggage at Pennsylvania Airport, MONTANA: Proposed Bill Would Ban COVID-19 Jab Recipients From Donating Blood. 19 For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and never will be.']. Between Friday, August 28th and Thursday September 4th, I had a series of glimpses that got longer each . We as Christians need to be very careful in how we judge others, and make sure we have all the relevant facts. The vultures were heavy and had food hanging out of their mouths but it was rotted. Revelation is about the end times. As always, take it to the Lord. Source URL: Click to View. The secret service agents surrounded the car with muskets and no sunglasses on. || Radioactivity in the upper layers is already enough to melt the polar caps and flood low-lying cities. It was symbolic of the seven famine years following the seven years of plenty. So Im going to share this dream Im calling the desert road dream. A POWERFUL ARMY WILL DOMINATE ALL THROUGH EUROPE AND THE NUCLEAR WAR WILL COMMENCE., Sir Arthur Conan Doyle War will provoke the earth changeshttps://www.crystalinks.com/doyle.html There is another way The Way There were a few shopping malls that were being used as shelters and I saw depression walking as a creature with its face covered by a mask with a smile on it but it was choking people then pushing them down to the ground. Then I saw the White Figure rise-up out of those fires. Between Friday, August 28th and Thursday September 4th, I had a series of glimpses that got longer each night. there's a church that is awake and. Then I saw long food lines and people waiting for what seemed like hours, and they were standing in line and not in cars. He had this dr. The destruction and dislocation of civilized life will be beyond belief. I saw two distinct flocks of birds flying above a four-lane interstate and there was a median in between. Another warning dream from Pastor Dana Coverstone about what might happen in America in November, December and in the Possible Winter of 2022. Chinese: shenrentonggong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2H0E_vZqzs, https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Prophetic-Dream-Dana-Coverstone-Month-of-November-2020.pdf, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22yIaUwcibI, https://444prophecynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Prophetic-Dream-Dana-Coverstone-December-January-2021-Nuclear-Suitcase-Bombs-2.pdf, /spirit/2020/10/jesus-amid-conflict-my-righteousness-prevails-given-october-10th-2020-2518390.html, /spirit/2020/05/marys-messages-to-help-us-during-tribulation-period-2517355.html, /spirit/2020/05/jesus-messages-about-the-tribulation-continue-2517364.html, https://happinessisprayer.blogspot.com/2011/03/lucia-reveals-third-secret-of-fatima.html, https://fatima.org/about/the-third-secret/pope-john-paul-ii-in-fulda-germany-1980/, /prophecy/2020/10/the-new-world-order-plan-discussed-in-detail-by-whistleblower-who-was-killed-by-the-illuminati-the-plan-is-materializing-before-our-eyes-awesome-videos-2515112.html, /spirit/2020/08/president-nana-akufo-addo-of-ghana-reveals-the-plan-of-the-elites-posted-again-with-transcript-2518014.html, http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/peterr/ProphecyOfPeterDeunov.html, http://www.similia.lv/interesanti/viss-par-vakcinam-vakcinaciju/dr-andrew-moulden-every-vaccine-produces-harm/, http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/dr-andrew-moulden-every-vaccine-produces-microvascular-damage/, http://www.similia.lv/interesanti/viss-par-vakcinam-vakcinaciju/dr-mouldens-new-medical-discovery-moulden-anoxia-spectrum-syndromes-mass/, https://vaccineimpact.com/2015/dr-andrew-moulden-learning-to-identify-vaccine-damage/, https://vaccineimpact.com/2014/have-you-or-your-children-been-damaged-by-vaccines/, https://endalldisease.com/otto-warburg-discovered-cause-cancer/, http://www.doctorsaredangerous.com/articles/iodineforhealth.htm, https://www.foodprocessing.com/articles/2005/417/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8aE9nd8D4s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuqYmRmJrHo, https://www.unariunwisdom.com/a-spacemans-warning-about-the-dangers-of-nuclear-radiation/, https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/11/06/woman-arrested-trying-remove-97-year-old-mother-care-home/, https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2013/04/26/the-antichrist-will-be-from-the-east-not-the-west/, https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/they-will-convince-my-followers-to-adapt-the-laws-of-my-church-by-holding-a-referendum/, Kerry Cassidy Big Intel 3/01/23: "Bombshell"! Dana originally put these dreams on Facebook for his small circle within his church. https://444prophecynews.com/?s=Dana+Coverstone, https://444prophecynews.com/the-they-dont-hate-me-the-hate-you-dream-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/the-church-and-the-state-dream-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/the-snake-chain-dream-dana-coverstone-with-john-redenbo-and-cherie-goff/, https://444prophecynews.com/the-franklin-dream-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/the-lincoln-dream-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/the-data-dream-the-biden-family-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/from-spirit-to-flesh-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/ready-or-not-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-yourself-and-occupy-until-i-come-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/lady-liberty-dream-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-yourself-on-the-word-and-my-promises-and-do-not-rely-on-your-own-strength-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/those-that-refuse-to-get-ready-will-be-left-wanting-in-the-end-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/ready-or-not-nation-here-it-comes-so-brace-yourself-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-brace-brace-yourselves-and-dont-look-back-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/prayer-guide-for-september-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-yourself-brace-yourself-brace-yourself-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/september-arise-prepare-to-pray-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/september-bad-november-disaster-awesome-prophecy-by-dana-coverstone-stan-06-30-2020/, https://444prophecynews.com/holy-spirit-tounges-persecution-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-yourself-and-endure-to-the-end-dana-coverstone/, https://444prophecynews.com/brace-yourself-dana-coverstone/. Dana Coverstone grew up in Jasonville Indiana. it kept apparent on the front page of the [], The Canary in the Coal Mine Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec. 1, 2022 [I] had this dream between December 1st and December 5th. 00:00 - What to Expect Headlines said Nationwide Outages Plague Southwest and Americans Dont Know Who To Blame For Darkness. The Son of Man signifies The Son will be in the body of a man when He returns in the midst of mankind. Freedom-fighters must recognize Prince Michael, Chief of the Archangels, the Commander-in-Chief; and use His Sword of Truth. Grace en Espaol, May 29, 2022. Freedom-fighters dont realize Satan is also deceiving them,. PO BOX 44 to reduce the population of the world by introducing the hybrid Covid19, and having as a second wave of disease a tri-brid strain, to include HIV, which has a 30% mortality rate, and then having a vaccine for the virus which changes the human gene for intelligence Chromosome 8 to make people more compliant to control measures, just as Nazi Germany did with the gas Fluoride to their Jewish prisoners in their internment camps, called Concentration Camps, during World War II. . I had it in Aitkin, South Carolina which I believe is significant. Brace, brace, brace yourself on the Word and My promises and do not rely upon your own strength., Mark 13:18 'Pray that it may not happen in winter. On the 13th of April, 2029, Earth will have a dramatic close encounter with Apophis. now I grew up in Indiana South Central Indiana. There was a skeleton key hanging from her neck and was dangling in front of President Trumps eyes and it had blood and black mold all over it and it had stained the front of her dress with a stain that looked like the lightning symbol from the Nazi SS. They're quite detailed and intense. I also saw trees in the background that were leafless yet a few trees that still had a scarce amount of leaves had them turned as if rain was coming. If you really want to ban this commenter, please write down the reason: If you really want to disable all recommended stories, click on OK button. Its not enough just to recognize the princes of darkness. Suddenly a bell rang loud and clear and the protestors woke and started salivating like a dog, big buckets of saliva that seemed to stain their shirts. The dream began with a large auction on the field where the Washington senators were playing baseball. You can send a check payable to Jonathan Theiben, Jonathan Theiben (Video), PANIC! Prophetic-Dream-Dana-Coverstone-December-January-2021-Nuclear-Suitcase-Bombs (2) Download PDF here Transcript Prophetic Dream - Events for December 2020 & January 2021. God centered not ego centered. The asteroid, whichNASAcalls (7842) 1994 PC1, was actually first discovered in 1994. every night of the dream, every single another dream, I saw the headlines that said 8 billion Population 8 billion. sometimes it was just spelled out b-i-l-l-i-o-n and other times it was the the words eight billion and the number 8 billion. to be wheat and tears. okay the dream began with a flipping of newspapers and headlines. There was a ticker tape. Luke 6:38 NLT Dana Coverstone - The "Rockwell" Dream [Brace Yourself] And today I want to show you his most recent. They were dressed as businessmen and had copies of the Wall Street Journal under their arms and heavily tinted sunglasses. We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. Many rejected their On Monday night August 17, I dreamt that I saw the calendar month of November and it was bent and torn and dirty. They went viral, plus God kept giving him dreams. Earth will be subject to energy in the form of ultraviolet waves, with speeds of millions of miles per second. There were a few shopping malls that were being used as shelters and I saw depression walking as a creature with its face covered by a mask with a smile on it, but it was choking people then pushing them down to the ground. I didnt write I did not recognize the church. Then humanity will see whither progress without God has brought them maniacs in the streets, the maimed everywhere, hospitals overflowing, cemeteries full, larders empty, millions destroyed by war, orphaned children, ravaged cities, contaminated fields, poisoned waters, terrorized multitudes, plague, terror, blasphemy, grief, desolation. Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 1 https://youtu.be/GJFqq5PH4Hg Agenda 2030 Exposed Part 2 https://youtu.be/6jflxobbYZw, Preparing For the Wormwood Asteroid Impact Prophesied in the Book of Revelation, Pastor Dana Coverstone Dreams Transcripts, The Headlines, The Sheep, and The Goats Dream TRANSCRIPT Jan. 2, 2023, The Canary in the Coal Mine Dream TRANSCRIPT Dec. 1, 2022, The Halloween Dream TRANSCRIPT Oct. 15, 2022, We Are Watching You Dream TRANSCRIPT September 5, 2022, The Hail To The Chief Dream TRANSCRIPT Aug. 13, 2022, The Precision Dream TRANSCRIPT Jul 8, 2022, The Millstone Dream TRANSCRIPT Jun 3, 2022, The Fire Tower Dream TRANSCRIPT Apr 16, 2022, The Shutting Down The Machines Dream TRANSCRIPT Mar 15, 2022, The Rockwell Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 12, 2022, The 2022 Jets Dream TRANSCRIPT Feb 2, 2022, The 3 Dragons Dream TRASCRIPT Dec 18, 2021, You Are Over the Target Dream TRANSCRIPT November 18, 2021, THE DESERT ROAD DREAM TRANSCRIPT Oct 20 -26, 2021, The Specialist DREAM TRANSCRIPT Sep 22, 2021, Get Out While You Can And Take others With You Dream TRANSCRIPT August 14, 2021, Towers, Trains and Chains Dream TRANSCRIPT July 12, 2021, WALL STREET BARTER DREAM TRANSCRIPT Jul 2, 2021, WHO ARE YOU? The one thing is for sure: God is plainly telling us the Rapture is very near! Man will suffer from terrible cold, but his flesh will be burned as with a hot iron by actinic radiation. Part 2http://vaccineimpact.com/2015/dr-andrew-moulden-every-vaccine-produces-microvascular-damage/ Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. Please read on, follow the links below, do your own research, and remain calm with the help of the Holy Spirit-life force that is within you. Exactly 2,000 years later the judgment against the sin begins. and Ill make a few comments. For the U.S. POWER GRID | Power Outages | shtf, Russia Threatens To Nuke Yellowstone, Tilt and Dike Intrusion - March 2023, New Trump Video On China Delivers A Message That Resonates With The American People - Drew Berquist March 2023, Everything Points To It & Our LIves Are About to Change via Marfoogle News. Prophetic-Dream-Dana-Coverstone-December-January-2021-Nuclear-Suitcase-Bombs (2), http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780, Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. The sun was shining behind the clouds, but was not out yet, when the White Figure appeared and said, Remain braced as this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding., Prophecy for December and into January 2021. 2023 END-TIMES PROPHECY (70th Week of Daniel Revealed) The Davos 2023 Agenda. in this dream I was walking down a wet road in the middle of a desert. I simply saw the White Figure appear and raise a finger to the sky then say, Ready or not nation, here it comes. Iodine for Healthhttp://www.doctorsaredangerous.com/articles/iodineforhealth.htmnb. It also threw the carcasses of the mules up on top of the building rubble where the smoke was coming off them like they had been grilled. 0:02 Everybody passed it in cover sound Living Room Ministries, Brooksville, Kentucky. but the speed of all the vehicles was over the posted limit. So it looked like a Wall Street [office]. SICK: Bill Gates + 6,000 Child Porno Images? I saw a finger underline slowly and forcefully December, then flip into January where the finger underlined it just as slow. You can also click here to see them as well it might be easier for some to find and follow up. and it began to wobble. They will be listed newest to oldest. Why do you think they are building bases in the South China Sea, if not to reach Australia? Go vegan or vegetarian as much as you can, use Iodine for every cell in the body not just the thyroid gland, Boron for bones and joints, and whatever herbs and spices you like. PO BOX 44 A Church where the Pastor loves Jesus, and has the fear of God in him. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. Any man who says he is I, is a liar. its called, Im calling it the canary and the coal mine dream. Mediterrean Sea Recedes In Several Countries Over 36 Hour Period!! This dream reveals events in the U.S.A. for May, June, July, August and September 2021. || There will be Dantesque scenes. He then reported seeing cities on fire, and headlines reading,"Trump Victory Challenged," protestors coming to life in the streets, and a person with a sign reading, "the obvious winner is not so obvious.". Many people dont give it a second thought. December 8, 2022; When Sin Is Rampant In Your Own Family December 7, 2022; Interesting Security Update On The Microsoft/NSA Complex Site Attacks Originating In Virginia December 1, 2022; Dana Coverstone - The Dream of November 3rd, 2020 November 30, 2022; The Tzitzit Is Commanded By Yahuah. Today we review these failed prophesies and what we should do. The asteroid was []. Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-20-22: Why Do You Worry? Many people criticized him at the time, but looking back they look pretty accurate to me. I also saw the city of St. Louis and men under the Arch with suitcases who were getting into black SUVs and headed east and west from the Mississippi River. it was dry. I also noted that there were no Christmas lights or displays anywhere. I saw ships in ports on both coasts sitting idle and nothing at sea moving. Venice Goes Instantly Dry!! And as we all know, or should know by now, a nuclear war on the surface of this planet will lead to the destruction of the magnetosphere and the ionosphere which shields Earth from much higher frequencies from the sun and from space. 1. It was a very very very [], The Hail To The Chief Dream TRANSCRIPT Aug. 13, 2022 I had this dream August 6th, 2022 a week ago Friday night. - A Must Video, New SG Anon #42 Brexit Reversal Coming | Russia-China-Coalition v. NATO | NA and CA Biolabs Being Destroyed | WWG1WGA. The Bible prophecies that a huge asteroid is coming to strike the earth in Revelation 8. there's always going to be wheats and. The seas will be poisoned and the fish will die. the moon was full. He calls it the 2022 Jets Dream, and well take a brief glimpse at that today. The next headlines I read were about market crashes and yields being lost, with one declaring sympathy about the meaning of the Swastika [another holocaust coming] . Most Christians are wearing costumes and playing games with God. I know this goes for me as well because I call out people. Reply. And another part invasion from the southern [] Hi James, the next dream that Dana Coverstone had references December & January -the Baltic index was dead & Market crashescan you comment on how that dream ties into your recent podcast. The top of the market seems to be close. I was running towards a very large Church, the edifice of the church looked very large. On the contrary those of the sixth race will be conscious of the dignity of their role and respectful of each ones liberty. Meet Russia's New Weapon: The "Satan-2" Hypersonic Nuclear Missile. With thanks to 444ProphecyNews.com for the two transcripts. Ted Gunderson was killed for revealing the Plan of the New World Order./prophecy/2020/10/the-new-world-order-plan-discussed-in-detail-by-whistleblower-who-was-killed-by-the-illuminati-the-plan-is-materializing-before-our-eyes-awesome-videos-2515112.htmlnote. Thank you. Order by Phone at 888-809-8385 oronlineathttps://mitocopper.comM - F9am to 5pm EST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineathttps://www.herbanomic.comM-F9am to 5pmEST, Order by Phone at 866-388-7003or onlineat https://www.herbanomics.comM -F9am to 5pmEST. it was sitting on a stand. I have included other Christian pastors in my work before, such as David Wilkerson, and Howard Storm of their noteworthy accomplishments. The vultures were heavy and had food hanging out of their mouths but it was rotted. no hand touched it or moved it but it just began spinning on its own and accelerating at a very very rapid rate. Pastor Dana Coverstone is receiving prophetic dreams, from the Holy Spirit of future events. There were headlines saying that the Baltic Dry Index [PN. 5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. So Brace yourself and tell others that I have warned them to brace themselves for they are about to see even more shocking things., Remain braced as this calm comes before a gathering storm that recovery will have a hard time finding., Brace yourself. and [], The United Nations has a plan for world government called Agenda 2030. Recently he had another one called the Rockwell Dream: Dana Coverstone The Rockwell Dream [Brace Yourself], And today I want to show you his most recent. Breaking: Trump 's Secret Operation Warp Speed Bombshell, Patriot Underground Trump! Most Christians are wearing costumes and playing games with God in web browser Brave, Jonathan (... It the canary and the number 8 billion of the sixth race will be read but will! Own and accelerating dana coverstone december prophecy a very very rapid rate of mankind Journal their... United Nations has a Plan for World government dana coverstone december prophecy Agenda 2030 what they were doing in of... 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